Any way to easily copy all of the boards and RePin to other accounts?

I know in the RePin tool I can go to each board and copy the settings to other accounts boards but is there a way to easily copy all of the boards that need to be created to other accounts and then send all of the RePin settings to those accounts’ boards?

I hope this makes sense.

I basically want a faster and easier way to create boards and set their repin settings.

No, there’s no settings that will allow you to copy anything from Create boards tool of one account to another.

You can use spyntax in Board Name and Board description to create different boards for your account. Then copy/paste spyntax to Create boards tool of next one and so on.

When you’re done, you can set up repin tool for one board and copy it boards on other accounts.

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thank you!

Any plans to add this feature in the near future?