Anyone having issues on JV last version?

All of my accounts are still going strong :muscle:t4:. Just reduce the number of API calls. Also, bad proxies will killed all your accounts. The times of buying cheap data center proxies to scrape is slowly coming to an end.


Slower things down until the wave is over. Try going with Embedded browser over this period.

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How is your experience with EB these days? it’s working fine for you?

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phone verif. Anything like email / captcha etc, I considered them dead already. Not worth it to recover.

I’m using 4G proxy at $90/ mo. I’m spending over $1000 per month

It can’t be a bad proxy because they are 100% legit from Mobile Operators created by myself, as so is the case of several in this thread, as far as I have seen.

It most likely has to do with Jarvee indeed, because outside of Jarvee I’m handling accounts fine.

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My team have been doing some testing with different settings.

We found out that if you add real followers to the account and then use it to follow back these accounts, it could survive sending 50 follows/day. Aside from that, everything else is dying.

A few things we realized by doing testing with over 1000 accounts in the past week here:

1- Accounts with 1:1 and 1:2 ratio are surviving.
2- Accounts with no posts and no followers are being checked constantly.
3- Accounts with no posts and a few followers only support a maximum of 2 accounts per 4g proxy.
4- Accounts with at least 3 posts and a few followers that were created using 4g proxies in different locations are working fine.
5- Accounts with at least 3 posts and a few followers are being able to send up to 150 API calls.
6- Accounts with less than this are constantly popping up for verification.

Anybody else care to add/change the list?

No, even after flying to a phone number, they can be revived using services that provide numbers for receiving SMS on them.
I regularly restore scraps without any problems.

Proskies can cost at least $1000, but they must be made specifically for instagram, at least with a reconnect in time.
I have my own proxy farm, believe me, I know exactly how they need to work. I have many customers and no one complains.
So the price of a proxy does not always indicate its good quality.

Excellent! All work accounts work only through EB

This isn’t true. We use only HQ 4G proxies for scraping - and do 100 calls per day - and we are losing 400+ everyday.


This doesn’t seem to be a JV problem
Instagram in the last couple of days made some changes, and scraper accounts are getting challenges like crazy even with very little requests

Nah I use a few external bots for scraping and they work fine captcha.

Update here. In the past 2 days we found out the following:

1- Bots with a dedicated 4g Proxy work fine as slaves. With 2 or more, challenges start.
2- Bots with dedicated 4g Proxy will not work for over 5 API calls for Profiles with No Picture and No Posts and No Friends.
3- Bots with dedicated 4g Proxy will work with fully profiled accounts that have at least a few followers, profile picture and 3-5 posts.
4- Not fully profiled accounts are being challenged at the get go. Even fully profiled cannot run in the same proxy for long.

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Guys, scrapers work out perfectly! They make about 16,000 api requests! Some that go to verification are very easy and cheap to recover using services for receiving SMS, you just need to test which numbers are best to send the verification code to.

If you are interested, write to me, I will try to help.

I call BS on that tbh. Would like to see some proof?

So fully profiled ones are fine? For scraping

As said by many:

  1. In 70% its a JV problem.
    I also use custom software + phone automation and everything works as usual.
  2. 30% it’s just IG problems due many updates in recent times. The most important was the Login API requests were changed supposedly hence why Instagram detects scrapers more easily.

Hi which numbers works well for u?