Anyone succeeded in changing TikTok account location?

how to change location? i just think only with using VPN?

Nik hi!!! Do u know if live streams on tiktok will also show on the US if I use the same SIM card that’s been helping me all along?? Thanks!!!

Yes. Live streams work for me and they are being shown to my followers and the people from my SIM card’s country

oh that’s awesome!!! thanks for letting me know. also idk if this is true but when you have the live option on tiktok it supposedly shows you how many followers are active before going live. if this an option for you? because it doesn’t show anything for me ;(


Couple of days ago I’ve got a T-mobile USA sim card. I had a phone which I was not using anymore and after a factory reset I inserted the new sim card (not activated) and posted a video. For this video I got USA and UK viewers. After 2 days I posted 2 more videos but for this ones I got 0 views after ~10 hours so I think I got shadow banned. I didn’t used a VPN, just USA sim card + Romanian wifi.
Did this happened to anyone else? Do you know what I can do at this point?


Can you target audience from the USA if you are in Europe (with ads), or it’s still impossible?

Hi all, for those who bought a USA SIM card, how did you get past the SMS verification without activating the SIM card? By signing up with your email account?

Hey @Nik I have a problem with Tiktok. I post organic tiktoks for my product with a UK sim card(I am from Lithuania) but 99% of my audience is Poland audience. What can I do in this situation? Thank you!

Hey Sym!

I’ve read some messages from the chain but there are so many of them! I just have a few questions and I would be glad if you could help me out.

I am based in Cyprus, and I need US audience. I understood that I have to buy an American SIM.

  1. Could you link the website from where you bought the SIM and which plan? Did you buy a SIM with an internet plan? Or you can post using your local wifi but with the USA SIM?
  2. Thanks for the VPN TIP. Wont use the VPN!


Hey Nik!

I’ve read some messages from the chain but there are so many of them! I just have a few questions and I would be glad if you could help me out.

I am based in Cyprus, and I need US audience. I understood that I have to buy an American SIM.

  1. Could you link the website from where you bought the SIM and which plan? Did you buy a SIM with an internet plan? Or you can post using your local wifi but with the USA SIM?
  2. Thanks for the VPN TIP. Wont use the VPN!


You can buy one from eBay. I bought mine while traveling. It can be a prepaid card with no plan or registrations. Mine is not even active anymore, but TikTok still detects the location. I use my wifi with it.

Quoting @Nick1 from a different thread. This might help.

@Nik Hello. I will start using US sim card + US VPN for TikTok to reach US audience. Should I create new account using sim card + vpn, or I can use my old account? My old account created in my country (Poland). Also I was added phone number (polish number) to that account, but recently I unattached it. Should I create new one, or use old one for US audience?

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Don’t ever use VPN on TikTok. It’s not going to work and will only cause you some trouble. Once you insert the sim, active or not, your location automatically switches to the desired country. I would advise you to start a new account if you want to see quick results, but it will also work on an old one.

Hello Nik, I also wanna order a sims card for tiktok, but I have 1 question. If I have the American SIM card , do I also need an American number to reach more USA audience? Like a phone number from the US or can I keep my Dutch one?

Does anyone know if US esim gonna work, or do I need a physical one? I wanna use US sim but post from another country

Hi @Nik or anyone, I’m considering buying an Esim to help target a Us audience. could you run me through the steps on what to do? I have an existing UK TikTok account that gets mainly UK and some US. I’d like to keep using my UK account but use the eSim to target US. what are the steps?

Where did you buy the sim from, is wraptel okay? their reviews are very bad

Trying this must create a problem. I think it will be extremely difficult to grow an account doing this.

I set up TikTok for the US. Even with new registered account have about 1000 views from the US but I’m living in another country.

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