Anyone succeeded in changing TikTok account location?

So did you connected to internet from Wifi or from 4G SIM?

Just wifi, it looks at your simcard not your wifi

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Sometimes analytics show your own views. That could be where your 3% Dutch views are coming from. Most of your views are from the USA, so it shouldn’t bother you too much.

Can You give us some information, please ??

is there any way to keep getting local views when using the local sim card? I mean after the video gets pushed to the USA?

Not that I’m aware or. Even when your video “leaves” the USA, and they push it to more countries, it’s normally somewhere else, not your region. The only way to get on your local FYP is by posting the video using your local SIM. I’ve had a few super viral videos recently. Still 0% from my country.

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okay sounds reasonable, but what is the best way to get to the USA when using a local SIM card?

I have never used my local SIM card to post on TikTok. Can’t really help you with that.

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Just remove Sim card and use VPN or you can use Sim card in the location you want to change (don’t need have service in your country).


yeah, thanks for that I was just wondering if there is a way to get to another country from your own sim card I guess that could be a possibility if the post goes extremely viral, anyway thanks guys.

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Hi Nik I concluded from this posts here that using a usa sim you can reach usa audience without vpn and not changing the account and clearing the cache. I understood till there and hope its correct. I need help whether the sims in the following screenshot attached below will work for it. i will be putting two screenshot and probably will be in two replies since new users cant attach two files once… and if anyone of them dont work pls suggest me some sims that works from ebay or amazon for the range of 5 to 10 dollars Thank you

I go viral on TikTok every 4th post literally. I managed to set it up with the method NO SIM + VPN, also I have couple of phones with USA SIM cards now. I have a good provider for quality USA TikTok accounts made on 4G Residential proxy and everything works well…

Sometimes it’s just about quality of your accs, and it’s best if you buy from someone from USA :slight_smile:

@SpawneR Saw that your speaking about accounts on different forums. I hope you just say this to help ppl and not promoting that @ guy who sell the accounts.


Nope bro, I have nothing from it honestly. I have my own network of TikTok’s just giving shoutouts to everyone that delivers good quality services, same goes for accounts, for proxies, software… I promote anything that I found useful for me.

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So, I’ve been having this issue too where I want to post content in English and not directed to my country. So I tried this, since I was buying a new phone, I set it up with us region (even though it’s probably irrelevant in this case). Haven’t inserted a SIM yet, so tiktok doesn’t have this info. I turned VPN on from the beginning (tried many but decided to stick with windscribe because of their generous free plan), downloaded tiktok and initially created a new account because I was afraid I would screw up mine. And it worked, the content was pushed 100% to us audiences. Then I tried using my own account and the trending tags page and stuff turned into English too while using the VPN. My own account now that had 100% local audience has a mixed audience. So far it’s working, I’ll see what happens from now on. I was thinking of buying a us sim but if this continues to work that might not be necessary.

Hello Nik.

Firstly thank you for all your insights.

You can’t imagine what I went through. I tried using 4 difffernt iPhones, different VPNs, playing with location services, data services. I don’t think that anyone on this planet went as far as me lol.

Your solution is simple yet brilliant tell me if I understand correctly:

  1. Use the sim of the country (I have that as I have my Canadian SIM while in in Italy)
  2. Keep wifi on but data services off when uploading
  3. Before uploading clear cache
  4. No VPN needed

Does this summarize it well?

My 3 questions are:

  • How about location services and you’re region settings? First allow apps to determine your location but I guess you can keep those on with the sim? And does it matter what you set your phone region to?

  • Yesterday I posted a video with the VPN. First 70k views were in USA, after it went to random countries in Europe (now at 500k) It got me 24k followers and still being shown outside USA. Do you think that my account is compromised because I got followers in these random regions now or will TikTok adapt if I stop using the VPN and follow your method?

Sorry for the long message happy to get you a Starbucks card for a coffe for your time :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re a saviour!


Yes, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing for more than 8 months now.

It all depends on the region of your SIM card. No other settings will make a difference.

When your video reaches a certain amount of views, it always “leaves” the region, therefore seeing some from Europe and other regions is normal. You can’t keep it USA only. That’s not how the platform works.


Thank you for this.

I’ll keep posting and report. Right now my audience is super global maybe because I was messing with the VPN but maybe that’s also not a terrible thing since what I do can be appreciated worldwide.

My main issue is that the users need to understand my words but I believe that Tiktok knows if people speak English or not and hopefully considers that.

I just wish that they could let you set the country by providing documents or residential address instead of going through all this nonsense lol