Anyone succeeded in changing TikTok account location?


I have been using the SIM card out and VPN on method for the 7 months and it has worked perfectly, I have gained 45k followers and over 5.9 million likes from a almost fully North American audience. However for the first time ever right now it has not worked and put me back in my own Location. I desperately need to go back to my North American location because I want my account to keep growing but I feel as if TikTok patched this method somehow

Since it is currently working for you do you know anyway I can solve this

I’ve never used VPN on TikTok, therefore I can’t really help you with that. I don’t remember mentioning VPN before.

All I can say is that this will not affect your old videos. Once posted, they can’t “go back” to your current location. That depends on the region your specific video was posted in.


How do I get a foreign Sim Card then for my phone. I read that you got a Thai Sim Card. If i want a US Sim Card where is the best place to buy one that works?
If there is anyway you can private message me since its faster to message id love that

Hey man, tiktok did an update and i am havin the same problem as Bazil. The sim out and vpn worked fine untill yesterday, i really need to be able to change my location back, do you know any workarounds?

Yes that update ruined everything, I assume the only way left is to buy a SIM Card from your intended location assuming that still works. @Nik Does the SIM Card trick still work for you?

It would be amazing if it works with the sim cuz my business is hurting bad. Let’s see what @Nik says…

Same here, I have over 45k now which took a lot of effort so i wouldn’t want to lose that because my target audience is entirely US/English speaking countries

I just ordered a US sim card from amazon , should be arriving 5-8 th of Jan. I’ll post here my results then.

Could you tell me what Sim Card you ordered as I need one immediately as well

Net10 , i just got one of the cheapest ones, not really sure if its gonna work but we’ll see. The most important thing is for the sim card to have the USA country code embedded in it. That’s my semi-uneducated guess tho so don’t take this like i really know what im talkin about :))

Once again, my method has nothing to do with VPN, and I have never used one before. I bought my SIM Card while in Thailand. It’s not even active anymore, since I haven’t registered it. It says No Service, however the platform somehow detects it’s region. You can get a USA one (or the region you’re interested in) on sites like Ebay. Won’t cost you more than $10. That’s all. After all these months, I haven’t had an issue with this.

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Thanks for the reply man, i ordered a US sim card, ill let y’all know if it works

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Hey man, is the SIM method still working for you these last couple of days after the update?

Yes, I posted 4 videos yesterday. All getting 100% Asian traffic, just like they always do.

Great! Thanks a lot man!

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Perfect, Im about to buy a US sim card now!

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It probably doesnt matter i think just has to be a US SIM card

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I’m going to try this method as I really want to get Asian traffic. Do you have a dedicated phone with the Thai sim card attached just for tiktok? or do you use the Thai simcard only when you want to post TikTok? just wondering if it’d be a problem if I keep switching between sim cards.

I dont think it is necessary because you probably just need the country code which is embedded in the SIM Card. I just ordered my Sim Card last week and it comes in about 8 more days so ill update you on if it works or not

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It doesnt seem necessary but if you are worried just buy the cheapest plan

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