Are this dongles good for creating 4g proxy?

you want to sell proxy or for your sellf ?

They do use server machines( similar to what they use in data centers) connected to certain number of dongles (lets say 50 for example ) connected to same number of TP-LINK TL-MR3020 or similar. It is expensive as hell and setting it up requires damn good knowledge. Also it is extremely bad for your health to be beside this setup over 10 min while it is working. The field that proxies (in big number) produce is toxic for human body. obviously i saw only one example , im sure there is more options how to achieve it.


Here is some more info:

  • You can use ANY modem to build your own mobile proxy network, you can use modems in “modem” mode or in HiLink mode (with that modems which have this feature) only the difference “how-to-do”.
  • Create a mobile proxy NOT as difficult as many people think, simple need to have small knowledge about the networking.

The best one proxy “systems” starting from read the dongle IMEI, based on this on-the-fly create UDEV rules to make it possible distinguish between the USB dongles.
After that create routing tables for each modems, put them on a private network IP, based on the “names” which is set in the UDEV.
At this point you are already have a each dongles with they own private IP.
Based on which way you build your proxy system (modem mode or HiLink) you need to use some way how to connect - disconnect to/from the GSM network.
After this you need to set the PROXY (probably best one is the 3proxy).

Simple, isn’t?
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