@BrandonBerner how to find target accounts with good followback ratio to my profile/profiles? how i shoud test to find the right target accounts?
Hey, didn’t really want to make a whole thread for this topic atm, but wanted to know if you are doing anything with SnapChat (Growing Accounts etc) and where do you see SC going. I see many paid posts on IG but we all know a sponsered post when we see one. Where as on IG people are showing the product in their daily life etc and it doesnt seem like so much of a sponser and we interact with it more IMO.
I know many people are making money with Adult CPA and SC but I think thats just the start, people are struggling to grow them Including myself, since its a strange platform, at the moment traffic is coming from add me sites and IG accounts with BIO on SC.
I do have a few SnapChat accounts the “adult” niche which provide daily pictures/videos on a yearly subscription plan. They are doing quite well. They are manually managed by a Virtual Assistant I have hired since there is no good automation software (so far, from what I have researched).
Snapchat keeps on evolving, and seems to be keeping a good active user base which is also expanding. I have also noticed more people promoting their Snapchat over their Facebook, Instagram, and other social platforms. This further confirms there is something special Snapchat has to offer.
Your absoutely correct when calling SnapChat “a strange platform”. You really have to get more creative when trying to market with it. With snapchat its dificult to promote yourself within the platform. You do really need to rely on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and other social media platforms to really promote your SnapChat accounts.
Here are some marketing ideas for SnapChat
As usual you don’t fail to surprise me How many automated businesses do you have !
I recently saw a few porn*tars on IG doing the “Pay To Be Friend On Snapchat Thing” going to do some more research for it.
^ For them content is easy they just take pics of themselves, what do you do for your accounts (If you don’t mind OFC) do you pose as the same girl or do the customers think it’s some type of network with different type of girls.
As for growing within SC, I have recently been seeing a few accounts posing as “Snap chat Glitch Accounts” (*Works best for kids) saying to share their username with all their friends (New SC feature) and then you will get x amount of story views of friends.
Do you not find it easier to just promote cam lime offers? Is their a site what you can set up the subscription through, seen one what some of them (PornStars use) website, if not has Disputes etc been a big issue for you.
Thanks, sorry for so many questions, SC gets me excited since it’s still “New” as in what we marketers have discovered for it yet
Hahaha, I have many
Automation is so awesome. Its like robots working for you, while you just sit back, relax, and reap your profits. We only have 24 hours each day. It makes no sense to spend the hours doing manual labor when you can automate it, and compound your profits
BINGO, thats very similar to what I am doing. I have a few cam girls who have hired me to manage their Snapchats. They provide me with 30 days worth of posts, and then I have the virtual assistant post them based on the customers preference. The cam girls will promote their snapchat paid membership service directly on the cam websites. Works like a charm
I do both. If I am posting just one girl, I will contact her, and give her 25% of profits, and constant promotion of her social media accounts.
If I am posting a mixture of girls, I stick to specific niches.
- Account #1 posts pictures of butts
- Account #2 posts pictures of breasts
- Account #3 posts pictures of thick girls
- Account #4 posts pictures of skinny girls
- Some accounts are mixed race, while others are race specific
I find promoting cams is the easiest. Payments are normally made through the live chat, or cam girl websites. The reason being is the fact you need a “High Risk Payment Processing Company” due to it being age restricted. If you accept using PayPal, then you are going to deal with lots of disputes, and limited PayPal accounts.
There will always be open disputes, but if they choose to dispute, they instantly loose access. If they dispute after a few months, then then the dispute is usually in my favor since they customer has already used the service for X months, If they were not happy with the service, they would end it much sooner.
Totally agree. Its still new, and I see it staying for a while.
This actually answered alot of questions I had, Thanks from me aswell
No problem I’m glad I could help.
Edit Question: Still a little confused when we got Cam Offers Involved.
get a porn
on a deal with you blah blah blah, tell her what content you need etc
Create a new SnapChat what only accepts usernames from people have purchased the subscription.
Tell the porn
to promote the subscription link to website on her Social Media’s etc
Hire a VA to send out friend requests to people who have paid, and post the content (Assuming you have memu on a VPS what you give them access to)
- I got confused as you said you rather do Cam Offers etc so for the SC subscriptions, how do they pay is their a platform what you can do it through?
What is the weather doing today?
Ok lets try to solve the confusion.
- I am not doing cam offers.
If you are selling subscriptions for porn stars then you will need to signup for a High Risk Payment Processing company that processes age restricted sales. Create a website to accept snapchat subscriptions, and your good.
If you are selling subscriptions for Cam girls then you just tell the cam girl to add a payment option for the SnapChat subscription.
On cam girl sites, you need to buy credits in order to tip the girl. Sometimes they will offer strip teases, spanks, and other actions if you donate a specific amount.Example: Tip 10 for flash, Tip 100 for private show, etc. All the girl needs to do is add a new one called Tip 1000 for lifetime SnapChat access. Then if the visitor tips 1000, the girl will know he wants access to SnapChat. then she will email you with his details, then the VA will add him on SnapChat. This way the cam site is responsible for the payment processing and disputes.
Sunny & Partly Cloudy
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Thats pretty neat! I dont think their terms will allow adult content though.
Hi Brandon! Folks like you are fucking awesome and benefit folks more than they’re probably grateful for. I signed up just to respond and hopefully will be able to hire you for your services.
I understand you are in the process of launching your site.
- Are you currently accepting new customers? I don’t see the disclaimer up top anymore.
- With your dynamic hashtag offering, does that include implementing this into MP for us? I’m new to MP so it’s a little overwhelming compared to Instagress at the moment.
- Do you offer initial setup optimization for accounts?
Thank you so much for your time and I’m looking forward to your response.
I’m sure they do allow seen a few porn stars have it in their link https://www.instagram.com/jenna_hoskins/
Or they are just breaking the The T.O.S
Hey @Tony thanks so much for the great complement
You are correct that the disclaimer is no longer there for the reason being that most people did not even read the disclaimer and contacted me anyways, I thought this was unfair for others who actually read and followed the disclaimer so I removed it. I am creating a waiting list on my website today, and will share the link in my topic “Whats New With BrandonBerner”. I will then let anyone interested in my services register, and keep their place in line. Once I launch the website, I will begin to work my way down the waiting list until everyone has been served. This entire transition is quite messy, so I am trying my best to tidy everything up.
Yes, and no. I can set up the first 2 stages of hashtags, but you will need to follow the detailed instructions which are included with the service. Every 2-4 weeks you will need to make slight changes (takes less than 1 minute). Every few months you will need to make a bigger change (takes about 3 minutes). These slight changes are part of the strategy and will speed up your accounts exposure, followers, and engagement. I am aware with how overwhelming MassPlanner can appear, but its a easy learning process. You just need to remain patient, and willing to learn.
Yes I do. I will be offering a consultation service which is $40/hour. This service will cover practically anything that is not defined in my other services.
###Fell free to subscribe to my Whats New With BrandonBerner Topic by Clicking Here. You will always be notified when I have an announcement, or release a new service.
Compliment: You are very very smart
Thoughts: I feel like that’s ^ much easier than creating a site and signing up for High-Risk Payment, were using the cams sites payment process to our advantage.
Question: Lets say I find a Nude/Model whatever you want to call it, but she is not signed up to any cam sites, and I can’t set up a Snapchat Subscription site. What would be the best option for me
- Get her to sign up to a Cam site to use their “Coin/Credit” system
- Create website what explains what the user has to do to get her “Snapchat”
- Visit xxx cam site
- Purchase x requirements
- You will be sent an email/message.
Question: ^ Lets say this did happen since the model/pornstar is not using the cam site anyway were just using it as a payment process, how will the “Customer” get in contact with her/me
- Create a website, what has a donation button to her PayPal, and explains that when taken to the payment page you need to leave your “SnapChat” username in the notes.
- Other
Additional Information: The reason I do not want to create a site with a subscription with a high processing company, as I feel like I will have too many complications as I am not 18+ yet
Question: When contacting people who already work on live cams and offering to manage their “Customer Paid Access Snapchat” are they ever skeptical that you are just a fan looking to get free content, what do you feel like the best way to get in contact with these Cam girls is, Email, Social Media, Cam site message. Do you give the girl access to the snap chat you are managing?
Notice: If you don’t want to answer any of the questions as you feel like it will harm your business, it’s in the public section or for any other reasons thats okay Yung Buck understands
If the girl is registered to a cam site, her viewers are already registered on the cam site, and they already know how to use it. Therefor the tipping process takes no additional learning, and an easy transaction.
This would be the recommended way to get paid subscribers.
If the girl is NOT registered to a cam site, her viewers are coming from a different source. Having them go to the cam site, register, add funds, find the cam girl, then tip her may be to many steps in the order process and will discourage most. Remember most purchases are impulse buys. The more steps the customer has to take, the more time the customer has to think, and the higher the chance they may change their mind.
This is not a good way to get paid subscribers.
Once again, this is to many steps for the customer.
Most cam sites have an option to contact the model. If not, they will need to wait for her to be online. It completely depends on the cam site in particular.
- Your PayPal account will quickly be limited, or deleted after some time. This would also freeze the money made, and they can choose to send it back to the customers. Not good from a business point of view.
There is a way to bypass the PayPal issue. This method deserves a few cups of coffee
If your not 18 yet, it would be nearly impossible for you to sign up for a High Risk Payment Processing Company.
I would first select a few models which are very attractive, and easy to promote. (I know this sounds shallow, but it this sense its a business decision).
I would then use every method to contact them. They may not monitor specific methods of contact, and therefor you increase your chances by contacting them everywhere. When you write your message, make sure to FIRST include who you are (keep it short). SECOND you need to add the WOW factor “We have over XX amount of models so far who have signed up. We offer this service free of charge. You can make $1000+/month in subscriptions. We do all of the work (including promotions), while you receive the profits every month. We will take XX% from the profits to cover the cost of the service.” THIRD go into more detail on how it will all work. FORTH, close with something nice like "Thank you for taking the time to read our proposal. If you have any further questions, dont hesitate to contact me anytime.
I dont see the harm in giving them access to the SnapChat account.
I will do so, when Yung Buck gets them Big Bucks Going to stick to just getting people on board from the cam sites for now and Adult Offers.
Last Question: You said that [quote=“BrandonBerner, post:79, topic:7449”]
We will take XX% from the profits to cover the cost of the service."
So If I were to be managing cam girls SC’s and she essentially has the money, have you ever ran into any problems, were they haven’t paid you.
Let’s suppose it’s $300 for life time add on SC and we take 35% every sale, when someone has paid the the right amount of creds/$ through the site, she gets in contact with the customers gets his SC ID emails it to you. Do you then make the
pay you your % before you add the person.
Is their a more efficient way of getting around this? Do you use Casper so it seems like the posts are live and not from gallery/camera roll, or does it not really matter since the person 100% believes its the anyway since she is promoting it.
Sorry for so many questions, mark my words when I’m balling (soon) I will buy you enough coffee to last you a life time
^^ Could you not just do a fix cost to avoid this issue / I guess fixed costs also have many downsides more than advantages that I can think of at this moment
Thank you for all of the info.
Any idea when the site will be up plus the TAT on the queue?
Are all services handled on a first-come first-serve basis or do you split depending on the type of service?
As you can tell, I’m ready to go (as I’m sure everyone else is). Hah! Thanks again.
Sounds good
Nope. And if they do stop paying you, you delete their SnapChat account, and stop any promotions for them.
As for payment, I keep track of every customer who is added into SnapChat. Every month I calculate how many customers joined, then I figure out my percentage.
If 10 customers joined in month #1
- 10x$300 = $3,000. 35% of $3,000 = $1050 (Your profit)
Remember you want to make things as easy for the girl as possible. If you dont, she may just do it herself instead.
Its best to charge monthly instead of charging per person.
Its also best to charge a lower commission such as 10-20%. If she things she is loosing to much, then she will simply do it herself to keep all the profits.
PS. Usually they charge $100 for life.
They dont really seem to care. All they care about is the content itself.
Sure you can do a fixed rate / customer. Whatever pricing structure you prefer.
- In sales when you use percentages, the other party is less likely to do the math, and therefor more willing to seal the deal since they dont know how much they are giving If you offer a set price, you make the math easier for them, and they are more likely to say no since they see how much they are loosing.