@cindyPrincessPeach on both Instagram and telegram
@alexfox_prod - add please )
Telegram username @hua_yan, please add me, thank you!
Added everyone! Enjoy guys
My telegram is @kevinyin
Im super interested in this. I literally just updated my body from a Sony A7 --> A7R3.
Add me pls! @syrpltd
@motonation Please add me
Add me please @justinjamg on telegram and @justinjamgbadi on Instagram
Added! Have fun and let me know if you have any questions!
Added everyone above!
Thank you. What’s the name of the group btw? I am in a lot of groups, so I am confused of which one is the one I just got in
Its called VideoPhotoDmGroup
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Add MEEEEE: @NathanArizona
Sent a dm with my info
Sorry for bumping, but is this thing active or not?
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Yes it is active!
You were added