Awesome Photography Engagement Groups

Not sure why I got skipped though :neutral_face:

My username is @thareal_jerryg56

I Dmed you back!

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I tried serching for you on telegram and your name didnt pop up!

Thanks, not sure why it didn’t work :sweat_smile:

I thought it IG you wanna use…my telegram user is @JerryGofficial …thanks

I am interested, ig @adrianoduarterosa and telegram @adrianodr

I’m super interested! Is the group still up? Here it is my Telegram @desing321

Won’t let me add you. Just search for videophotodmgroup on telegram

Added :slight_smile: Let me know if you need any help once you get in! Just give me a message on telegram

Yes it is, I added you :slight_smile: Let me know if you need help making your first post! Just give me a message on telegram :slight_smile:

I am interested. IG - @susonsjack and my TG - @susonsjack

I’m interested -IG account @alibari_

Interested. Telegram: @alibari_

Finally got in and this thing was completely dead, no posts for weeks, and each admin thing had maybe 3-4 things to engage with. Don’t know what the deal is.


My Telegram is @wsiolek and I would be happy to join if the group is still active

Hello, i’m interested, is the group still up? BTW my telegram account is @rednaxel_a

Hello, I’ve 183K follower and 4-5% endgadment interesting to joint here my account @diaz212

40k page, 8-12% engagement

@touloun21 my telegram i’m 43K photographer student ^^