Be good to one another, strive to become a leader

Yes, which is why you should stop asking so everyone can relax :slight_smile:

If people were not supposed to ask questions, then why create a topic in the first place and not close it by now?

@wortime is a good dude, never heard anything bad about him.

@dma0245 is a reputuable guy too according to this forum.

I don’t know either of them personally.

If it’s something major that the whole community here is involved in, an admin should care enough to explain or make a general statement about what happened.

Who ever said the whole community was involved? Everybody GOT involved. But they are NOT involved in the issue.


I said “If it’s something major…” implying that I don’t know :slight_smile:

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I just think we should all chill, including myself. I can’t even think straight anymore after working 16 hour days this whole week to scale. I’m tired.

Anyways, nothing against you @MyFocus


I know, no worries :smiley:

Just hope it will not affect the community, and yeah to chill seems like a good plan! Have a good night buddy

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Hi @wortime
Don’t know what happened but i will read i guess✌🏻

I don’t know what happened. I don’t care to judge.
Though I’ve learned a lot from your answers in these years, so, aniway I must say you, Thank You.

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As requested by @wortime himself, he was removed from Level 4 by an admin. His message will remain here, but it is best to lock the topic for the time being as the conversation is moving in a different (unrelated) direction.

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I must admit the leader`s activity has increase over the past couple of days, every cloud and that!!


There has been some beef between level4 members of MPSocial, which is ok since we are all just human beings and have emotions. I re-opened this thread for transparency reasons to show that there is nothing sneaky going on in level4 and those issues between level4 members will be discussed and put to piece (in a level4 thread, not in public).

As @MojoJojo pointed out, level4 members are not admins. So if anyone thinks that he or she is mistreated by a level4 member, do not be scared to speak up and report it to @Adnan. If there are any other questions please let me know.


will it continue is the question. I hope they do – each is a good person and teacher.


Am still believing in the self healing mechanism of this forum. And for now it feels like these mechanism are kicking in (knowing that healing needs time).


It needs to be pointed out, for transparency reasons, as mentioned by @HenryCooper, that noone knows why wortime left.

I’m level 4 and I can assure you that, as of right now, we have as much information on the topic as everyone else.

He did not leave us a note that we are hiding in secret :slight_smile:

He had his own beef with certain people, reasons for it are largely unknown. But if you have been on the forum for a while, you would remember that wortime’s has picked a bone with large number of people, so that does not really leave a clue as to why he left.

As far as my own personal take away - he left by his own free will. Could have been something related to the forum, could’ve been in his personal life and anywhere in between.

I’m personally done with this topic as I think it was blown way out of proportion, to noone’s benefit. Just wanted to let everyone know that level 4 has zero additional official information, so don’t think there is something going on.


Agreed. We have goals here. It’s ok to give a shout out because maybe you don’t like that a staple is leaving, but it’s business as usual. No need to get caught up in anything because at the end of the day it doesn’t mean anything. Let’s simply keep working towards doing what we do best.

You ready for some more source requests @MojoJojo?

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wortime is a good dude we ALL do shit from time to time we regret, we all have control issues, egos, etc. all humans do.

Being pissed at someone is like drinking poison yourself and wishing the other person to die, much harder to forgive, but it is the remedy. Have no idea what happened but hope wor comes back at some point he is an overall asset to the community IMO. :v:

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There is more here then just wortime leaving, I`ve been here almost 3 years and never knew there was a level 4, i always assumed leaders were mods!

90% of all issues resolved come from the community not the leaders, i did say in a previous note the leaders had started engaging more, which kind of means it wasn`t there before (i still think some have left).

Its good to say transparency and there is nothing in level 4 but still keep the door closed, elitism should not be part of our community, regain the trust and merge level 3 and 4 have nothing to hide?

Wright i`m off to burn my bra :rainbow: :sunglasses: :fire:


Nobody really left. But writing here takes a lot of time. 1 or 2 hours a day adds up in a month. At the end of the month you spent a complete workweek writing here. It depends a bit on your life if you can justify this. People get married, suddenly have a family with responsibilities, get a full time job or simply have to spend their time on their marketing business to earn enough money.

It is also sometimes difficult to answer questions sometimes. I often work 80 hours a week with marketing, Jarvee. If you see questions like “Where are the settings to follow only with the EB”… Some things are so basic. I prefer to talk about bigger strategies. Maybe it is a good idea to create more advanced topics.


Hey Dimitri, is it a leader`s job to answer those question if it is then you should be paid as a member of the Customer Support Team (sorry) or there should be some benefit or compensation for your time!

I agree bigger strategies!

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