Best expirience with IG PROXYS

Yeah, got them all back… we have 100% recovery rate thank god haha.


Sorry to hear it didn’t work out for you! Oddly, lots of customers are still able to use our service successfully.

Sent you a DM! I’m curious to know what happened as well. :wink:

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Holy moly 6$ per 1 SIM card?

Lol not cheap

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Why not get SIMs from @dma0245 or @biffer ?

I know you don’t have access to the marketplace yet, but just to receive sms you just need SIMs from Europe or the UK. No top up needed.


Ahhh wait, you’re telling me I can buy a sim one time, and get text messages from it without paying a monthly fee here in the US? :exploding_head: @wortime


Yes. @dma0245 has them and @biffer. If you SIM swap it’s the way to go or use @kraadnc speedyverify

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I didn’t know that. Will those UK/Europe sims work in any unlocked phone im guessing?

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It used to be that they did. But once iOS updated to 12.1.1 it won’t work with iOS anymore. It will work with android though. I just fired up my desktop from 2015 so I have the old iOS version, am going to try that soon.

(So basically iOS after October of 2018 if your interested)

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I just saved you SO much money. Make a gift to a shelter for women, children or animals with what you saved.


Haha I only have about 20 lines so consider 1k Donated for this year :slight_smile: Thank you @wortime!

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Wait till you hit level 2. It’s like hitting a “free money” button


Of course Apple made it that way. If I remember right when I use to jailbreak my iPods/Phones you can downgrade an apple device to an older iOS.

But it would probably be easier just buying a used unlocked Android off eBay.

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Yeah it’s like that now. They don’t sign the cert so it’s kinda fucked. It’s best to just not update after a certain point. You can (in the U.S.) buy an iPhone from a pawn shop for peanuts that’s older and it won’t be updated. Android is easier though.

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Haha I’d rather have a no more SMS challenges ever button LOL but testing testing testing

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I recently purchased cheap sims off of eBay on a oldschool phone which is working really well… Only annoying thing is when i’m at work and i can see my account has been PV’d i have to wait till i’m home to do it!

How much do they charge for their sims and do I just message them?

And also that’s crazy that you can buy cheap UK sims and use them here in the states

Yea, unfortunatly, if you focus on longterm works, your experience won’t be that good with this supplier, might work for some weeks, but for months, that’s a different story

Haha with every post I read I want lvl 2 even more lol… Thanks @wortime for sharing this with us! Definetly looks like a better solution than smspva and getsms, pretty cheap considering it is a one time payment! Just wondering though, you don’t have to change anything like device id on the phone right? It’s just putting the sim in your phone, getting the code and that’s it right? Do you recommend 1 sim / acc (still pretty expensive if you have 1000’s of accs lol…)

No thanks needed, it’s not a level 2 secret or anything.

No, you just need an unlocked phone. If you use iOS you can’t be using any version over 11 (current is 12.2).

Correct, you just pop it in.

It depends on you and your operations. You can choose to use that number for up to 5, or remove the number from the account and use it multiple times. To prevent leaving fingerprints, use a 1:1 as you would a proxy.