Thank you for your reply! Was talking about the lvl2 marketplace haha
Anyways, I think 1:1 ratio seems like the way to go!
Just not sure what is cheaper for bulk accounts, speedyverify or the two sim card providers you mentionned, but will do my own research, thank you!
Anyways one of those 2 options seems always better than smspva, getsmscode etc. am I right?
I’ve not used speedyverify but their prices are very competitive and you own the SIMs.
For bulk accounts smspva is the way to go, I’ve used them but not very extensively.
Your gonna have to do your own math here because it’s accounts/time vs money. If you have a handful of accounts, having SIM’s is easy and cheap.
If you have a few hundred, you have to either get a SIM bank and set it up, or a simple dual SIM reader and do it that way, but that takes time.
The more you use a SIM to get a text, the cheaper the SIM becomes, so you have to decide what’s best for you and your operations.
Yeah I am using smspva, since I am doing bulk (child accs), but I am getting pvs on most accs every 2-3 days. I know it’s not that bad, but I was thinking maybe having my own sims, while being more expensive initially, might be better for the long term. I was thinking using the the same sim 1-2 times for the same acc will eventually reduce, if not stop, the pv’s on that account, therefore eventually reducing the overall cost, what do you think?
I am currently testing this theory myself ( I have 10 sims from speedyverify) and will let you guys know the result, but does somebody maybe have had any experiences regarding this?