What are the best websites to follow for Social Media Platform news/updates?
News, blogs, websites, channels whatever…
I want to be the first to know about changes in social platforms, about predictions, about trends, about updates, what is going to happen, about statistics and analytics from the social media platforms, within them and between them.
I obviously wish to know this so that I can possibly know how to take advantage of these updates/new features from day 1 and generate strategies with them. And I want to know this so that I can know, for example, which social platform would be better to target a certain demographic, or to share a certain type of content.
For example, I had no Idea Facebook had implemented videos/gifs for page profile pictures and covers until I saw it myself. Lately my friends have been posting bold letters on facebook chat and I had no idea you could do that (and still don’t know how).
Personally and recently i have started looking at Mashable
Thank you very much in advance for the attention and advice. Lets create a list together!