[CLOSED] zProxies – Fast and effective proxies for the reliability you deserve!

sorry for the delay totally forget
give me few mints

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Trials not working…?? Why? Please help

bro i don`t know exactly what are you doing in your setup, if you can install anydeks/team viewer i can check for you.

hit me up

I asked for a trial when should I get it?

I tried register but I’m not getting any confirmation email

send me your email please. on DM

Thanks for the trial. I bought 50 IPv6 proxies, so far they’re working great. I don’t have any issues (EV loop) when adding my IG accounts. They’re valid right away. I’m currently warming up my accounts with low actions without any blocks.

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Hey, can i ask you wich one you bought? ipv6 datacenters or ipv6 residentials?

Hi, I bought IPV6 DC proxies.

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150x IPv6 DC working great for over a month now👍 and fast.

Thanks for your feedback ^^

Great Service =)

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Can I have a discount code?

Hi! Can you give me a trial or discount code? Thank you!

for which type?

Trial for ipv6 DC proxies please.

Are these IPv6 proxies good for slave accounts for m/s? (3-6 per proxy) ?

Which location?

no 1 account per proxy only
if u need 2 or 3 then ipv6 residential rotation

if need more then ipv4 residential or mobile

Hey, I’m going to be ordering IPv6 Residential Proxy Rotating. Would like a discount code, thank you