Nice work. And I’m glad to hear they’re running well for you.
For some reason I thought I’d heard people saying to do less group posts nowadays (like 30 per day, but maybe that was a conservative recommendation), but if it’s working okay then that’s good. I’m only working up to doing it myself soon so I’m not sure on that.
Do you use multiple accounts or just the one? Because with multiple you could always just push the limits experimenting with one or two to find out without risking them all.
Also, I’m guessing you have decent proxies and accounts for this. May I ask what providers you’re using for those? Obviously don’t have to share proxies if that’s one of your secrets, but I’m curious about solid providers for Facebook accounts for heavier use.
Just the one account , nothing fancy. hence my curiosity as to what i can get away with I suspect the heavy spintaxing and delay in posts may keep them at bay
I’m about to implement a campaign which uses several Facebook accounts intended to share quotes from a Facebook page to many different groups. I’m just wondering if it is fine to do all of group posts as shares from the one Facebook page. Or do I need to throw in some shares from other pages to look real? Or otherwise I could also just post in the groups as an image and put a caption and hashtag for link. But basically does anybody know if I should have a variation in what gets posted, to keep the account safe?
I was doing 25 per day, and know of others doing similarly, say like 20-30. And just try to cancel the pending friend requests after some days so there aren’t too many. And probably safer to do things like adding people which Facebook would perceive as normal for the person to add. E.g. from similar location and similar interests (i.e. targeted). Unfortunately the Facebook graph search URL feature is no longer available though. I’ve kind of stopped for this reason, and hoping I can find an effective work-around for targeting people in locations by niche. If anyone has solutions please share