Creating 4g mobile proxy

God of proxies :exploding_head:


Never heard of that. Mine was in the living behind the Tv. I guess too many radio waves etc

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I just canā€™t imagine 400 phones keeping transmit signal behind me.
even 1% or will not get cancer. donā€™t want to bet it.
but in fact, I always get headaches when close to them (fix it or change sim card brabrabra)

With 400+ can you tell us how much you make per month? ball park? give us some motivation/inspiration :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s why @HenryCooperā€™s balā€¦brain is so massive. 4.000+ :slight_smile:


Hello, pplease clear my doubts, were you using proxidizeā€™s paid service?

Can you tell if with raspberry and their script I can use more than one dongle in the free plan?