🔥 Crush it With Instagram Stories

Yeah it’s normal dude

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I have found when I story consistently, like a couple every single day my views exponentially get better. When I skip a few days or weeks my views drop bad. So I’ve been trying to make myself story every day!


I’ve been experiencing the same !
Also, when you post a story some hours after the last one, people that did not click on the first story post, will be able to see your icon, back again in front of the stories, which allows them to have a “second” chance on clicking on your stories.

idk if I explained my self well, but yeh

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I think the algorithm or story feed also pushes you to the front of that story list if you’ve posted one recently that has been viewed by that user, sort of in the same way that new posts from the same person you’ve recently engaged with will continue to show in the feed as “new” content even if not new. I think that’s what you’re describing, sorta?

It’s a bad system, but can be gamed if you’re getting engagement from the people whom you want to engage.


I totally understood what you were saying.

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I have had similar experiences using different kinds of story features from Instagram and having it boost my story viewers because Insta seems to push it out more to people.

I have one more finding and it depends on relevancy of the story to your content and also the algorithm. Gonna do a couple more tests and then post my findings in a post.

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Usefull tips thanks :ok_hand::wink:

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