DO NOT run 5 accounts on iphone. All 5 accounts disabled

how many words do you spintax?

If you use your phone to send DM and have good account that’s warmed up and have good trust score, they will never ban you, I am sending 50+ same messages daily, with no spintax or any shit for 3 years, using 4 phones, each phone 5 accounts on it, and sending exactly same DMs every day on each profile.


ofc you can’t send that much messages, doesn’t matter if they follow you or not haha

Why would IG hate shopify. Thats complete BS. Dont say things that arent true please


Instagram allows quick replies so it has NO ISSUES with copy pasta at all. So this is misinformation. Speaking from experience

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Exactly this!

whats the daily max of DM’s to send then?

If not botted hundreds like 300+ (no joke). If botted, probably max 50. Quick replies is basically encouraging ‘spam’ so it’s not the issue if it’s not botted. From experience. Considering it’s only reply DM’ing and not cold DM’ing

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Sorry, how many DM you sent in a day?

@Noirorion Probably a billion through J. I’m surprised they even let him survive till 38k. As soon as it’s attached to J you’ll have to follow the limits no matter how much phone you use.

well i pretty much just DM the new followers and tell them thank you for following and i give them a coupon code for 25% off anything and its usually around 100-160 dms a day

but what are the exact limits cuz everyone always has a different number on everything

No one ever says over 50 a day with J. 100-160, you had it coming sir

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Our all agents only handle max 1-2 accounts using 1 phone but i dont think handling 5 accounts can get them disabled, there must be a different reason

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it was working fine since i built my shopify store in april so who knows why all the sudden that would be the problem, and the sad thing is i did this all by myself manually and now its all gone because i am sure they wont reinstate my accounts , they have never once reinstated any other accounts when i disputed them

Idk if you already know this or not but you can get your accounts back if you send appeals. It usually works (or so I’ve heard) regardless of what you did to get disabled. Just go to youtube and search “disabled instagram” and there will be tutorials.

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I run 7 accounts on 1 phone, 5 in the same niche and almost all of them are connected to Shopify.
Been doing it for over 3 years with the same accounts, age might be a factor here.

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A wi-fi connection is not treated differently than a 4g mobile proxy.
Very often it is the exact same thing actually (when your wi-fi router gets the signal through the air).

And its not a problem to have 5 accounts on one mobile proxy / wi-fi.
It’s not a problem to have 50 normal people on there. 50 normal people will send less follow, like actions than 5 of our accounts.

Anyway you can run 10-20 accounts doing tons of actions.
But you gotta make sure they are not getting connected.
If you send the same DMs or post the same pictures - bye bye accounts.

@Bradley it doesn’t make a difference if you send the DMs to followers or non-followers.


It does though? Cold DM’ing is much more spammy than non cold?


May I ask if you used gmail to create your accounts?

Did you use same phone number to verify your accounts?

And I see that you mention using same wifi to do actions. Now even doing manual actions through IG app, but running 5 accounts and “spamming” from the same IP, this here might be a triggerpoint

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