DO NOT run 5 accounts on iphone. All 5 accounts disabled

I stopped botting since early this year on my 20 accounts. 7 on art niche, 13 on pet niche.
All with around 80-180k+ followers.
Now they are running on my phone, yes only one phone, android can clone apps.
I also put the same shopify link on them, one on 7 art accounts and one on 13 pet accounts.
And yep, I am using home wifi.
No bans and in fact, my accounts are growing organically with good engagements.

I think you made some mistakes there bruh.

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same happened to business partner of ours, 5 accounts per device,all ACs at the same time, seems like IP flag

That means IG’s main problem is botting…

how do you do that cloning of apps on android? I am looking for ways to add more than 5 accounts per phone

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