Do you get Temp blocks on Mobile Proxy?

Switched over to some new 4g proxies located near where my clients are. everyone running on EB, i get a couple temp blocks here and there but out of 60 accounts, only about 3 accounts get one. I reduce settings, and they clear up.

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Ah ok thanks - HC and DC proxies here and was hitting roughly 150ish follows for a little over a week. Now Ive got temp blocks all over do only about 40-80 now sucks big time. Some after an hour or so, it runs again by itself but some stays like this for most of the day. HC4g or DC not much difference. Its red as hell here.

Getting local sim and trying to set up on own 4g proxy, will see how it goes…

how many accounts you used per 4g proxy?

@Cudi How Cudi and you guys how long do u set your temp blocks duration (for eb only)?


Im kinda new to this, if i’m only running 1 account at the moment would I even need a proxy or am i good with running jarvee through my vps? Bc lately I have been getting action blocks.