Do you get Temp blocks on Mobile Proxy?

Most probably we are discussing shared proxies?

I’ve never seen high quality LTE proxy less than for $40-50 per month


what providor is that from in the uk?

Ahhh… Here is the answer, ok.

If you are following specific users then the problem we are all experiencing is related to API calls and too many filters. If you are getting by with over 200 follows a day it has to be that. What proxies are you using as well?

It’s smarty part of the three network.

Yeah I’ve seen @Drav posts before and was thinking what stands out is how he is scraping (photo ID) and then inputting his specific sources.

I just think you can target better outside of JV and then your making a lot less API calls. JV doesn’t support image recognition for example which for me is the reason I survived from 1000 followers a day to 300, targeting is so much better and Instagram seems to be helping with image recognition in the alt tags.

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So how do I go about doing this then?

Do you mean targeting by alt text on photos?

Yes that is correct.

Im not abusing the system. Just trying to get at least 120 follows done, watch some stories, and like some comments without getting a block. Is that really too much to ask for?

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Clever enough. Could you please share how can I do that?
What service provides such feature?

I was thinking about how to use that alt text for a long time, but…
I like what you say :slight_smile:

Hi Drav,

I assume your PC is on 24/7?
Can you suggest what dongle to purchase?
Also do you mind sharing how to set up dongle as proxy?

Many thanks!

huawei dongle
I use cproxy.

Set the proxy service to
Autodetect IP Adress ticked;
Then in advanced networks, Server Bind IP Address set to

Then add to JV


HI Julianna, have you ever gotten the error - embedded broswer crashed?

We use ssl private proxies…If i get action block in jarvee i will rest some account for 24 h…Should i always reset device ID, change proxy and start again with slow settings? Or just pause for 24 h and start again but i think that proxy will be flagged so always change proxy and reset ID? Could you please help me?

Thanks Drav, my dongle is on its way, excited to try

Do you ever use EB? No blocks on API with your setup?

I use 4g and DC private proxies… seems like API is ok… but then I get lots of action blocks and cant finish daily tasks. I switched to EB only and it works fully. But after 3-4 days, I cannot login via EB. (not logged in EB error) So no tasks can be done. I switch back to API and it works again. Like a never ending cycle.

Did this happen to you or anyone else?

i usually never reset id… if api block try to use EB only.

if i use 4g mobile. would be better to set random proxy / stick with that proxy?

Hey Cudi wondering how your test is going with EB only?