Does Level 2 actually have a solution for the latest IG problems?

MojoJojo have you eventually seen how many of these flags in level 1 is made by level 2 people? Can they flag posts or threads in level 1. Cause as I have witnessed sofar, some… By far everyone, but some of the guys in level 2 seem to be less accommodating and are easier irritated by post or threads created. It could be an good idea to have an eye on who actually flags posts in level 1. A few of the guys unfortunately believe they can choose what’s right and wrong to be posted here on this forum. I believe moderators are doing an excellent job. No need for additional supervision.


I cannot play detective :slight_smile:

At the end of the day, it is not the people who flag things who are to blame but the people who create flaggable content.

One person cannot flag the same thing twice and there is a limit to how many flags you have. So, even if there is someone whose only goal is to flag down posts, it will not make a difference.

Where things go south in the level 1 thread (at least so far) is trolling and shitposting. You need enough of those to get flagged, as they do and the whole thread suffers. And, as I’ve said before, the shitposters carry the blame, but anyone who engages with them is responsible too.

In the higher levels, you shit post, the community comes down on you hard before admins can even get to flag you. On level 1, you shitpost, someone tries to outsmart you with a more sarcastic remark, others jump in flexing and it snowballs.


To really put this discussion to rest for everyone:

  • Everyone who is currently level 2 has reached it following the same parameters that are currently in place - contribution

  • Level 2 is not better or worse than level 1, 3 or any other level. Just less people talking about the same stuff, but with a bit more respect to each other

  • Level 2 does not contain some secret content that the world is hiding from level 1

  • At the end of the day, it is to each one to decide for themselves if it is worth putting in the work to get to the higher levels.


The main reason why lv2 will find something faster is because the valuable discussion isn’t drowned by frustrated shitposting from people who only come to the forum when they’re stuck and can’t figure out how to fix it themselves.

Makes it impossible to even have a discussion. Too many “experts” talking and no one listening.