Does Level 2 actually have a solution for the latest IG problems?

This are the guys from lvl 2 waiting for you guys lvl 1


Lol this has nothing to do with what I’m talking about lol.

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I thought that was the case you were trying to pinpoint. when mentioning moving threads from LVL1 to LVL2, That’s why I said I hope I have understood you correct. lol

But yet again if the solution would be moved to LVL2, you can rest assured that it will be a solution which is going to be implementing in Jarvee or any bigger automation tool sooner or later.

I was refered to this site by Jarvee, so I do believe cooperation is ongoing.

You forgot about that free money button access though :thinking::thinking:

Edit: And also the free lapdances from Adnan


Threads are being moved as people don’t follow the simple rules of the forum. There is no secret that has been kept to level 2 only.

The interesting thing is, there is not even 1 thread in level 2 that has ever been closed for flags :slight_smile: The conversation is a lot more productive over there so if there is a solution, chances are it will pop up there first, BUT it will for sure trickle down to level 1, BHW and anywhere else.

So, have no worries.


@MojoJojo :pray:t3:Thanks for replying to this.

At level 2, there are probably people who do not comment on anything they write with a specific action or topic.
Believe that the solution will always come to light, see how many clients would lose JARVEE (how many people are on level 1) So calmly :slight_smile:
Now only test, expect that it is a temporary IG error, or admit defeat and leave (NEVER INTO LIFE!)
So at the moment there is so much to leave :slight_smile:

“Use embedded browser to follow when action blocked” seems to be the general solution, even if only temporary.

Why not choose “Use only embedded browser to follow”?

Also, I assume if you run likes, comments etc you should also use the EB for these?

Interesting, I heard that lv2 there is many “experts” that think they’re better than the rest, so that do not surprise me at all, the flagged posts there should be like a “today’s menu”.

What does that mean?

Meaning everyday or regular.

I know what the phrase means :slight_smile:

I don’t understand the context you are using it in.

I mean if there is many people like this customer say, flagged posts are much more regular there than here, is that clear? Sorry but english is not my native language.

To my knowledge, there has never been a thread (an important one) that has went down in flames due to overwhelming amount of flags. I didn’t even know the feature existed before the level 1 mega threads started being closed by the system.

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I mean posts not threads, he also told that he don’t like to comment and make any questions there as most people come with “stones” like they know everything, maybe is his problem and not from the lv2.

Just sharing a feedback I got.

Your level 2 fried is more than welcome NOT to be there if he does not like it. Everyone complains about random things, yet when there is an issue that needs to be solved, people flock to the forum asking for the magic button from the same place they disliked.


Would be also interesting to know who collects more flags overall. the regulars or the level one and new users. haha i would assume the regulars.

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Sure and looks like that is what he does, he is there only watching :wink:

Lurkers are not entitled to an opinion on how things are run :slight_smile: If you want to change something, you need to participate in it.


I know that, and if you have been following my posts you know a share a lot, is easily to see that, I don’t care to share and I love to discuss, for me will be an amazing experience and that does not mean it can be amazing for everyone, some people are just afraid to talk about what they think and more afraid of the answers, I’m not.

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