Email Confirmation Wave 13/08

200 follows a day not enough? So you rather get blocked when hitting 6k. So you rather do 900 follows till 6k have great engagement until you get blocked and have to wait your month out then open a new topic about why your ER dropped (when you cant perform consistent actions?).

What’s up with people wanting to hit above limits and then opening cry topics about blocks?

Yes i do 200 on average a day so i’ll get a proper 6k a month without a block. My engagement will be steady which will be beneficial in the end. Mind you i’m running 260+ accounts so the growth it lovely

You can join the blocked people group and try to figure out your mistakes or listen to people in the blue and follow some simple advise.

I mean you dont have to but DO NOT say things that arent true. It’s not cause you cant get past your blocks, other cant in the same situation.

Lots of people are without blocks. Listen to those and test fresh, not crippled. Only then yout testresults are worth something honestly.

My 2 cents. Go ahead with your 900 follows a day. Sounds likee a blast :heart:

And as far as i can tell i’m noticing more and more experienced users being fed up with the BS and cry topics helping out less. I can understand why. Listen to them and test. Dont make up your own truth filling the board with unnecessairy read time.

Edit: just cause of all of this BS I feel like making another 5 HQ accounts ready to run full send within weeks growing my rev just another couple hundreds a month

Edit edit: the only thing these days lvl1 is having more is read time. I’m hoping to learn more but lvl2 probably got more interesting stuff and less misinfomation

@oneoneseven I never create any topics to cry about blocks, I just reply to this guy to say to him to do slowly actions to start, but it’s strange I didn’t see you on this topics before to help this guy :thinking:

Yes lot of people are without blocks, I’m without blocks on lot of my accounts too but I’m testing new settings on other accounts and get issues.

I do +900 follows a day only on a hundred old accounts since few years, for new accounts I can’t follow up to 900 without lot of issues lol

Yes i’m understand that it’s annoying to see this kind of topics but if no people help this guy this kind of topics will continue to be created.

Lvl2 probably got more interesting stuff but you can’t said “start slowly” is misinformation

Start slowly as far as my results is only applicable on bought accounts. Plus slow settings usually cause small yet repetitive actions which IG blocks even if it’s just 1 or 2 follows. As far as ‘normal human behaviour’ following more in the beginning is ‘more human’ than less every 2min

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@oneoneseven Ok yes I misspoke, when I say start slowly it’s for say “don’t follow lot of people the first day”, I’m not talking about time in this case, I’m ok with you to say following more in the beginning is “more human” than less every 2min, when I’m talking about slowly I want to talk about number of follow/day

Agree 100%. There’s a ton of misinformation.

These are like contaminated experiments.

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Another tip I feel to give you guys because it is working for me these days is to set the “delay time between each like” from 120 to 1200 seconds.
A user logs into Ig, sees a photo, gives a Like, than sees what’s in his DM, maybe watches a story, then after 120 sec (less or more) gives another like, than followes.

I highlighted the accounts I’m trying this strategy on. Hope it can help.

This strategy I’m introducing on few account is working by now.

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Yo whats AC?
Never heard that

Just curious bro, are you using EB or APi for f/Uf?

AC = means Account Compromised

a “new” of Instagram telling us (automators/“bots”) that they see and know what we are doing.
this Notification forces user to change password and should be treated with such respect (such as having a 7 day interaction-free period.)


most of the people moved to EB only since API seemed to be an issue
Following and unfollowing (at the same time) and done Follows via EB and Unfollows via API doesnt seem very human, randomize as much as you can

plenty of people, including me, struggle with some accounts via EB too, so it isnt necesarrily a 100% fix
now help me get to lvl2, lol :smiley:



Yeah Ive tried to force EB but for some reason after a while my accounts get logged out, and then Jarv loops in login. Really annoying, and I cant log back in. It days Valid but then follow tools says this: image

what if you go to “Social profiles” and press “Browse” what happens next?

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It asks me to login, I login, it works. Then close the browser and it somehow resets.

I can double check tho, one account worked with login and another account didnt, login blocks.

Im at work so Ill send what happens after. Thanks for your help!

when you go “browse” and you are logged in, try performing the action which says “account not logged in” in your instance Follow, that worked for me in the past too, a lot of weird behaviour :smiley:

Do any of you still experiencing this issue?

I tried a few things described here and thought that I got my account out of email confirmation loop but as soon as Jarvee performed 5 follows using EB i hit temporary block.

Got the same, sometimes even loggin people into JV gives a temp block

Although I can verify my emails, after a few actions I am hit with another verification. It has been going like this for a while. TBH, I just think it is time to throw away these accounts and keep moving on with a fresh batch of accounts

Rest it after the EV then. If it goes into a loop it means something is triggering that.

Make a list of possible triggers or just give it a good rest for a couple of days and start with new settings. Dont give IG the same patterns again.

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Several of my accounts have this problem and I have not found a solution.
Just a constant temporary block loop. Sometimes rest helps and sometimes it does not.
There just does not seem to be a complete solution.

Hey Guys,

I have a ton of accounts stuck in email confirmation loops - any of you figuere out a solution?

I’ve tried, changing proxies, reseting device ID, Removing the account and re-adding it, nothing has worked.

Any other ideas?