Embedded Browser or Api for less blocks?

Yeah it seems above my experience level aye. Thanks for the help though

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Do you know if theres a way to put your own wifi proxy into jarvee (thats on a vps). I barely use my wifi so that could be a good way to test account creating out until I find a way to make my own proxy connection.

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oh sweet. I’ll give it a try

Hey Cromatic! Quick question, what is the process for creating accounts manually like you are? What is the cost per account?

Hey man, I don’t create accounts often, but when i do i grab a friend’s phone and ask if i can create some insta accounts using their phone or any phone i can find. And i-m using same country ISP for proxies. This way the accounts are born an raised in the same location, maybe it matters maybe it doesn’t i don’t know, all i can say is i bought a brand new acc created in US through Verizon and had a hard time with it building trust and warming it up in Jarvee…

Everything matters :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:

I tried your instructions for my wifi connection but it still says no on “public connectable”

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Need maybe open the port on your router that you are using.

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Would my provider open it? I guess I could try a different software and just use it on my laptop as normal.

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find the oldschool massplanner maybe

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Provider should already have all ports open, it is usually just locked down in your firewall or router (Port Forwarding settings).

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oh ok. getting a bit confused now lol. May just stick to my 4g ones for now

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Thats the problem with buying accounts, you never know how they were created. IG definitely stepped up their game on detecting accounts that were created in bulk. You will know if it was created bad, as you’ll experience a bunch of issues with the accounts.

You will find ALOT of 4g account sellers out there… but only a few of them really know how to make the accounts without leaving fingerprints. Pretty significant difference. Don’t let price fool you neither! People will jack up the prices, and the accounts may still be crap. Get a sample! I’ve made that mistake too many times… trusting people just because they’re “known”… don’t fall for it, always ask for a sample!


Are you using your wifi now or 4G mobile proxies?

Do you still get blocked after resting the accounts and switching to API?

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The accounts that were action blocked are still blocked after 3 days weirdly. Been trying once a day to follow but no luck.

My new accounts im going very slow with aged accounts. Using 4g proxy.

Haven’t used my wifi on anything but the mother account using my phone

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Some accounts will forever give problems I think, and its probably best to replace them so you’re not dealing with any headache.

When I got my setup back up and running this time, 90% of my accounts were running great, while I had 10% that was getting temp blocks constantly and email verification. It was about 10 accounts. I stopped all 10, let them rest for 24 hours. Reset their IDs, switched them from api to eb, and got 6 of them to start performing normal. The other 4, despite trying to let them rest longer, and changing IP and resetting device… they still just kept giving temp blocks/ev. Next day, replaced with 4 fresh ones.

My setup had been running smoothly ever since. I’m actually not even getting temp blocks on most my accounts, which is surprising because I honestly didn’t think that was possible. My actions are way below the amount of actions I’m doing on the accounts I run manually… but it’s better than nothing! It’s still early in the game, but for now things are running okay.

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Still getting temp blocks on a few accounts… tried everything… lowered settings, rest for 24hrs, switching IPs 4g… anyone got other tips that are working?

May need a longer rest than 24 hours. Problematic accounts, 48 hours usually helps.

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What tools are you running?
Try Re-Login Accounts manually from Social profiles if you use API or Re-Login in the embedded browser if you use EB.

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thanks will give this a try for 48 ive done 24 and its 50/50

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