----------- FACEBOOK -----------
-Clear History
Clear facebook history (wipe yourself off someones pixel)
Built into the app and easy to access for users.
Watch Party
watch any and all video(s), including live, and chat with your friends live while it’s happening. -
New Group Tab
Organize your groups easier -
Join Group Button
add quick add button to websites, email, forms etc. -
Find a relationship. Make a dating profile. No friends can see your profile, only new people not on your friendslist. -
-3d Photos
uploaded directly to the feed where you can “move” them
-3d posts
upload 3d objects, using AR you can place purchased items (if created by company) in real space. Lets say a TV in AR into the object.
- Taking facebook albums re-creating
facebook re-creates your LIVE VR video built off existing facebook albums. re-creating a room or the area based off pixel distribution.
----------- INSTAGRAM -----------
Explore (instagram)
new design for topic channels. More focused on the things you’re interested in. -
Video Chat (instagram)
Video chat enabled in instagram. Up to 4 people in a group. minimize and browse at the same time. -
AR Camera Effects (instagram)
Anyone can build face filters and effects.If you follow | AR Camera Effects Platform. If you follow a brand or an instagram page you effects will pop up as something available to use. GAME instagram to follow your profile to gain access to AR filters
----------- Whats App -----------
Group Video calling
Whats App Business
Tools for whats app business
----------- FB Messenger -----------
Redesign of messenger
New messenger very slimed down. Similar to iphone design -
AR Camera Effects
available for FB Messenger as well