Fan Accounts / Mother Slave - Client unhappy as got people complaining about asking them to follow the main page

Hey y’all.

Been having some great results using MS so far but today one of my clients got messaged saying ‘random accounts asking me to follow you’ as well as some dude tagged the client saying how many ‘fake followers’ did they buy.

Obviously, he reached out to me and said they’re not happy. I sent a message saying it’s normal that people can get upset as they’re most jealous of your account growing fast, but at the same time I want to see how you guys deal with this situation. The client asked me to focus hard on specific area/niches so I’m sure some people got multiple messages. Silly me, I found this thread which allows me to only contact 1 person per all slave accounts. See below:

But the question is, how do you guys deal with this situation and keep clients happy?


Dont be afraid to offend your clients. I experienced that when I try to fix everything that they are happy you have much pressure. You can tell him that his expectations to this arent real, I set the frame in the beginning that the service isnt perfect, the client have to do his work too that my service works better when he makes good posts, community engaging and other stuff, only important be every time calm and dont let your emotions take control, thing logically and think how your client feel and then tell him that it is unreal that no one would write him that you have to stop writing this promo texts. This is completly normal and should be appreciated.


There’s a setting so each user only gets the message once from one of the slaves :slight_smile:


Thanks! I don’t mind saying that, I twisted the story to suggest they’re just jealous/upset because they’re not growing and you are. But yea, it’s good to say things are not perfect for sure. Yet I feel a nice professional ‘reply’ can go a long way here and whilst I could spend an hour crafting one, some guys here have been at this for months. I wonder what they reply :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea, seen it. Just trying to figure it out to work :smiley:
Settings>Social Platforms>Instagram
I’ve seen Danel said we need to enable this to make it work too:
I have added 2 tagnames, but seems the above option would force to follow different users across all accounts. I only need this to work for slaves. As I have clients in the same niche and similar courses in the same instance. Hmm. Might need to contact support to get some clarity there. Thanks!


@BruceSilduk then just ask him:

Do you want to be famous/make money on Instagram or give up cuz of envious haters?
Live life according to what others think or achieve your goals?

Obv use kind words.


You need to work out a message that converts well and doesn´t come accross as spammy;)

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I would suggest you to improve your DM spintax and follow different people across all accounts.

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Found the option and enabled it already! Thanks.

It’s superb as it allows me to apply it for just some tagnames.
Settings>Social Platforms>Instagram
My only concern, as I’ve seen another post, Daniel said this also must be enabled to have it work:
< this option is slightly worrying as by the looks of it - applies to ALL accounts across MP. But sending a support ticket now, so will clarify it.

Appreciate the suggestions, but honestly, I think the DM is currently very well written and sounds very real and legit ( I see much worse every day on my accounts :slight_smile:) . Still, I will test out the spintax better, but I think it has to do with the fact that I ended up using scraped list (I didn’t realise it…) and most likely many people got more than 1 message - mistake. But the tool @Bartholomeo & @Grummel1 suggested will fix this issue!


This happened to me on my personal page becuase of that tagname setting that I also hadn’t configured properly. I noticed it was folllowing the same users across my 4 tagnames. The only person who said anything to me about getting a few DMs actually wanted to be a potential client and have me do M/S for him haha. He was extremly intrigued, appreciated the grind, and didn’t care at all about getting a few DMs.
So don’t stress too much. It happens. Your clients , especially with M/S, are usually at your mercy. They love the growth. They’ll complain to get discounts, etc. But at the end of the day they need you more than you need them.


That’s the best answer!

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Haha right? I appreciated it that’s for sure.
Was JUST told about contacting you regarding some content. :wink: Ironic that you replied to my post. I wil be PMing you soon!

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Sweet! :slight_smile: He wasn’t too fussed, just said didn’t like it. But yea, I agree it is a super amazing way to grow!

P.s. I think he was mostly upset about some idiot tagging him in a story saying he bought fake followers. Which is literally the biggest bs they could come up with :slight_smile:

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I’d add in something along the lines as “little things bother little people”.

And also remind them that obscurity is the biggest dream killer.

Agreed. I’ve come across some very sloppy m/s since I’ve began experimenting with it. Even from some members on here and I’m like how in the hell is this account still alive with such spammy messages lol but it’s just another opportunity to learn from the greats!

I’ve always believed you’ll never be able to fully please all clients so continue doing your best and if they aren’t for you then fire them before they become a bigger headache


First you should have set Jarvee to following different people on each account so the same accounts won’t follow the same person then you could have avoid this from the jump


What setting is this in Jarvee?

The message implies that user has been contacted by several of your slave accounts. You should have the setting to follow and/or contact different users across all accounts.

Also, how pushy is your DM? You probably want it to be casual.

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Tell them this is what fame looks like , Kim K , is one of the most hated personalities too , and the cliche no PR is bad PR , should work , Hate is the nature of the beast called social media.

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Thanks guys for your replies! I feel the question has been answered :slight_smile:

Could you share how you got these insta account owners as your clients @BruceSilduk