God-Like Settings for Jarvee Follows OMG

personally I would reduce the amount of follow between and keep limits under 200 but they aren’t bad so far (testing something similar myself)


It’s like 2 weeks that I’m not using follow automation and still it happens that I get a block for a manual follow using my PC chrome browser :disappointed: and at the first click, not after a sequel of follow actions…

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One thing I forgot to mention. With these settings for some reason it follows throughout the night as well and I have to keep it at “always stay between 7AM - 11PM”

Anyone else have that?

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Damn, there´s much better info on this forum than what he is giving. Seems that Aaron needs to spend more time here :rofl:


Thanks brother that’s sweet of you.


I do not like this color: D :frowning:
I have an injury for the rest of my life: D

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Care to share more data? You got blocks following aaron advice?


From my testresults it seems like putting intervals too close or too small to eachother isnt beneficial. 1-2 is worse than 2-5, 3-9 is better than 4-5. Not sure if you understand what i’m saying.

Seems that IG is seeing the topped off behaviour. As if it sees the pattern you make always following either 1 or 2 people or always seeing you wait 3 or 4 minutes. The bigger the spread the less obvious for IG.

IG also punishes repetitive behaviour in a sense that if it blocks you with certain interval, dont keep that interval. Change it our you’ll get that same block.

Hope this helps


@tiburoncin you’re clearly getting a hard-on trying to say I did exactly what he did, it was definitely inspired by him, but I changed it up and made it my own thing. What is your problem?
The verifications came up and won’t go away from resetting my cookies so many times…

I too had a stable system only running 150 follows a day… but what kind of clients are satisfied with gains that small? F&CK me for trying to try something different and get more gains. The follow blocks aren’t even an issue or happening at all, it’s just email verifications.


@oneoneseven these are severe verfications man, I can’t even get in to check and see if different settings would work. I type in the code the client gives me and it doesn’t work. lol

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I’m having lots of EV’s now. Seems like IG is going through all of them in waves. Are you on DC?

@oneoneseven I wonder if this is happening to everyone in general or like what the correlation is right now, because I honestly can’t get into any of these accounts its weird, idk beyond a settings thing.

I use instagram mobile proxies from high proxies… which have always been perfectly fine. So I don’t think it’s a proxy issue just yet…

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Didnt know HP had mobile proxies? That’s new haha

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I absolutely can’t wait

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@oneoneseven whatever their instagram proxies are, that’s what I use. Does it specify?

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Well it’s Dc in that case. Cant recall them being mobile. I use them too on some and i’m git aswell. Although it’s getting better in my case with the blocks. Not all but some.

Now there is a reason those who may have a slight idea of how things can be bypassed for now won’t share their settings. It’s exactly to avoid the mass to use those settings. This is to prevent a huge pattern to be left. Imagen when Aaron shares these settings publicly, how many would then be using these settings? MANY!
Nothing great is free!
Even if you choose to use these settings, then do yourself a favor and play with the settings. Don’t do exactly like Aaron and many others do.
Aaron’s videos are good, if you are new to Jarvee. It’s good to watch his videos, as he explains the basics and you will get an idea of how jarvee works. But his settings are not something I would use.


I never got an AB or an EV on my account but basically I’m not using automation since at least two weeks. I’m doing manual follow with my browser.
However for what matters, I was already using different execution times, 4 on a working time of 10 hours, randomize 10mins and EB since June 6 after the block wave. I got temp blocked anyway and now automation is completely unusable except for unfollow. If I do not get a block at the first like or follow, I’ll get one at 10th and my account definitively was not using aggressive settings before June 1.

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Hey guys,

I can see you’re talking about my “God-Like” settings that were posted here and wanted to mention a few things to help you out:

  1. Always doing lower amounts of daily actions will help you avoid any issues. Naturally doing 1 follow a day is much safer then doing 300 per day. So pick your sweet spot.

  2. If you get blocked, start small again. For example you get blocked at doing 100 follows in a day, that’s most likely your limit for now. I suggest going back down to 25-50 and regrowing back up.

  3. The main way my settings work is through randomization (my last video go 40k views, even if 10,000 people copy my settings that’s a HUGE pattern). Using intervals on randomized times will help reduce patterns along with huge ranges between follows and delays.

I hope this clears a few things up. I’m using them on multiple accounts without issues.

As always:

Use good proxies
Reset your device ID’s if things are going bad


Excellent advice. I am still experiencing a lot of temporary blocks.
How long are you waiting after receiving a temporary block?
What are doing to combat the temporary blocks?

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