Got action blocked for a week, how can I still post?

of course you can be here! But most people that comment saying things like that are the same ones crying doomsday is coming. Just making sure you’re not here to scare off everyone.


Look at this 24 hours passed i only made a like tried to post

I’m definitely not panicked by your comment! I agree with @joshdeor on the way I first read it was that I saw it as you might be trying to scare folks off.

I think in many ways times have never been better - at least for my business my monthly revenue has more than doubled since the July problems. My agency began to diversify into other areas on IG marketing and less on the massive spamming. We’ve had to double down on getting better at targeting with less actions and also helping clients with branding, messaging, and managing & creating their content.

I’m very much excited for 2020 - so I say bring on the issues!

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I was having such a good growth but these action blocks wont stop