Great EXAMPLE of Successful MASTER/SLAVE Set up!

way better than botting your main acc! Think like this: All the people that follow you back if you do f/u with your main account might have only followed you because they are nice and they follow back every one that follows them, people thac come through child accounts decided to follow you because they are interested in your content! :wink:


that’s a good point. Does it work better than shoutouts would you say?


Exactly! This will be the small amount of “real fans”

I think so. But what I can say pretty sure is that you get much more for a M/S setup than you would get with the same amount of money spend on shoutouts. For shoutouts which will work you have to pay money to really big pages and that isnt cheap most of the time.


Agree with @roy, don’t necessarily think that the quality of the accs will be better, but, like discussed in another thread, you can get way more for your budget than using shoutouts :wink:


thank you. can you link me to the other thread you’re referring to?

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sure this is it :wink:

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thank you. will take a look

no prob man you’ll learn a lot there, also I recommend you to use the search function, there are many threads here about mother/child strategy, viral growth, shoutouts etc. and also many great guides :slight_smile:

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Tried searching “stadiumgoods” on IG but could not find any slaves with related names. Seems like their slave accounts are named differently.

Would it be possible to get like 500 followers per day on a fresh female fashion account if using 30 also fresh slave accounts? What do you guys think?

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With all slaves together? @Kiesix

Even when you are experienced with M/S you have to include the warm-up of the accounts in your calculation.

When you are experienced, it is possible. But when you are just starting you may have to deal with PVs, bans and replacing the accounts. In theory it sounds much easier as it is. But it’s doable when you manage to handle it. At the beginning I would over-calculate the number of accounts that you need to reach your followers goal on the mother account.

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Yes, with all slaves directing people to a mother account @roy

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Possible? Yes.

Likely? Probably not.

Easy? Nooooooo way.

A safe estimate is 5-7 followers/day/network account.


Would you be willing to share some of those that you found were solid? I’m researching some new DM methods and open to inspo. If so, awesome, just PM me:)

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I am starting 5 accounts that will run on M/S strategy. I will try to document everything and update as a topic when I see the results.


That would be great!

I imagine the location related account will only work for business and selling something, rather than the travel niche?

Does anyone have any other examples of M/S, or is it all on level 2?

nice example, thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing!
Been meaning to start a M/S set up but no time atm! Will definitely give it a shot soon :slight_smile: