[GUIDE] Create and Grow twitter account. [Adult Niche Exemple]

Yes, it’s hard but it’s worth it.

I don’t think so. Instagram is better for fashion niche.

What are your limits atm? Do you enable multiple modules at once? Still getting a lot of accounts disabled? Interested in hearing your thoughts :slightly_smiling_face:

For new account I lowered my daily actions because I was getting a lot more pv than usual since the twitter btc scam.
I stay between 150-200, some batch of accounts are below 150 and seems to live much longer.
Doing F/UF + retweet with quote.

Damn, sounds like Twitter is tougher than IG. Are you still earning 1 conversion per account with all of these changes or a bit less?

I’m on twitter and this is the best tutorial I’ve read,
proofs of earnings are not necessary if you know what he’s talking about

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I have some questions

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