I’m totally new and trying my hand at managing 1 account only. I have encountered a follow block twice now. The first time the account holder would go in and follow any people who would follow the account back. I got them to stop doing that. Then chilled the account and start to warm it back up. I then get a follow block again a few days ago.
I have follow, unfollow, and like going. I’ve been reading that it should be 60 actions per hour. Is this 60 action for all follow, unfollow and like or is it 60 actions for follow/unfollow? The account is only 3 months old and I’m using my residential IP address.
I’m looking into getting a scrape account or two, to reduce the API calls, maybe that will help. My number are super conservative, from what I read.
Operations wait: 4-5 minutes
Delay 60-120 seconds
Daily Limits 25-50 and increase by 25 each day till 500
Max followers per hour 30 (but for some reason I had reached following 320 people in 6 hours, daily limit for that day was 375) Could it be because I had the “Follow a maximum of” Set to 0, the program disregard the max follow per hour, setting? I have sense put a number of 26-30 in there.
Max likes per hour 25 (My max likes are set to 275 in a day)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Do you guys think I should go ahead and invest in a Mobile or Raw proxy, especially since I want to get the scrape accounts