Helpful Instagram Tools + Bonus Video Tip!

Thought I’d share a list of some of the tools I regularly use for Insta that may help people. Hope some of you find these useful :slight_smile:

RD Client (IOS): For anyone running JV on a VPS, you can use this app to access everything from your mobile. Been an absolute god-send! Highly recommended!

Flume (Mac): Desktop Instagram app that allows you to upload pics and videos as well as use instagram generally. Super useful!

Preview (IOS): Perfect app for arranging your timeline.

Repost (IOS): Super easy insta reposter for pics and videos

Ninjalytics: Really good free insta stats website. Best thing is you can create lists so you can keep all your client / personal accounts in these for quick access.

VSCO (IOS): Great mobile image editor that I use constantly.

Photoshop Fix (IOS): I mainly use this for the Defocus tool to give your mobile shots an even better Depth Of Field feel.

Instagram++: This is basically a cracked version of Insta that allows you to repost direct from within the app, save photos, videos to your device and loads of other useful features. To install this I tend to use Appvalley but you can also download the IPA file and use Impactor to install straight onto your device (Appvalley can sometimes add additional advertising to it)

Totally Free Use Images: Pixabay, Unsplash

And finally, a helpful tip for people that use a lot of video on Insta…

If you want a custom photo to be the thumbnail for your 1 minute uploads, just include it as the first frame of your video and you can then select that to be the thumbnail. Easy stuff and keeps your grid looking awesome :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing :+1:

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Thanks for your share. Excited to see everyone posting helpful info on the forum lately

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It really helpful. Thanks for that.

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One tool I’m still looking for is an easy way to download Live Video from Insta. Any ideas? Atm I just tend to screenrecord

Amazing! Thanks for the great resource list

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Just one of your tips above has saved me hours of messing around.
Thank you very much. Looks like I need an iPhone.

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really helpful I am going to step up my game now !!

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Oh nice! Which was that? :smiley:

RD Client. Also having a look at the cracked IG app. You had much luck with it?

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Yeah it’s pretty good although I sometimes have to reinstall it as it stops working. If you are reposting a lot or wanting to save images and video it’s really handy

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I’m not at the moment but its something I want to test out.

Thanks for sharing the Defocus tip!

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I love Instagram ++ did a guide on it a while back