Hide long pins on blog post

Is it good or bad to hide long images (for pins) by tag display:none on blog post ? So user will not see long image on article but when he click on Pin it button the long pin will appear. I see a lot account with such pins and I mean RICH pins. So that is why when you click on pin and not see the same pin on article.

I personally think it’s good to show a long pin in your article. It’s a better way to get your readers sharing the visual. I usually put it at the bottom of my article with a message to share on Pinterest if readers liked it.
I also hide long pins when I create multiple variations of the pin but still make sure one long pin is always visible.
Hope that helps

I have adsense in bottom. It is not good to put adsense after pin image. By the way how do you work with Pinterest? Multi accounts + bot or something else?

I’m not sure re adsense.
I use a tool to prepare and schedule all the posts I want to pin. I don’t automate / follow / unfollow
I need to start looking into al the options for posting on MP. Haven’t been able yet

So you just use 1 main account? How you get traffic? Do you create pins in Canva?

Yes just 1 main account.
Traffic has been much slower since Pinterest did the last algorithm update. yes I use Canva

Do you use posting in group boards? I don`t understand how do you get traffic from only 1 account? How much traffic you get?