How do you grow a Pinterested account?

I am very new to pinterest, have only watched about 2 hours of guides for pinterest. I have got a pretty good idea on how to use it syndication-wise for my own brand.

The tutorial I have watched, didn’t give any “black-hat” or automation information.

That’s why I have some questions:
How does one grow a Pinterest account - other than posting and collaborating on other boards?
I see that there is a Follow Tool, is F/UF a thin for Pinterest?
Do you use Jarvee to schedule your pins?
Can Jarvee Loop Pins and delete the worse performing ones in your own boards?
Can Jarvee use pins from your own boards and pin them on collaborative boards?

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I am also interested for some pinterest tips… most of tips on this forum are for instagram :slight_smile:

would like to know too

F / UF along with posting good engaging content on a regular basis has helped me grow by 300+ followers daily over the past few years

You can join other boards and use #hashtags and keywords in your pin title and description to attract more attention.


Followers doesnt matter on pinterest :slight_smile:

Interesting. What would you say is the driving factor? Repins?

and page views that’s the ultimate goal anyway

Use ninja pinner & follow 100 acc every day

i can help you. contact me