How do you think of IG names?

just squeeze your mind and you’ll come up with something unique.

I use aka domain names. Example: travel.jpg or or
I had a network of accs and all of them were named by same “domain name”. Maybe not the best solution, but any way

Looks like a good way for M/S, maybe you risk more ban if created in similar ways/ timing/emails?

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My tips:

  • use username generator online to come up with ideas
  • generate variations in excel with formulas
  • check username availability with a script
  • avoid usernames with symbols, dots, numbers, maximum 12 letters

Depends on where you are traveling to :wink:

Restaurants in Italy, in my mind. Smells good :wink:

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I do headstands and the names just come to me :wink:

Give it a go. keep safe though


Its easy

If im going to have my website on the account I try to find a domain name that is available that is the same or really similar to the Instagram account name that way they match up.

Just use your main keyword plus another:

I_use_dots.and_underscores_a.n.d_more_dots_then.a_slash_boom_d.o.n.e :sunglasses:

pow, could you share ur name availability checker script? :smiley:

There are some scripts on github I assume :slight_smile:

legend, time to go treasure hunting.
Thanks pow!

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I never use “_” and “.” in the username. Because it looks so unprofessional

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thats fast - sometimes its hard to be that creative

i normally just stick to the brand or page i want to promote and stay away from numbers special symbols also

I usually try to buy names from people if I really want to dedicate on a big page because it helps attract followers

I’ve been using Another member in the forum mentioned it on a post and I’ve been using it ever since


Yeah Namelix is great, else what you can do if you already have an idea, you can go to and try this method too!

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I usually just make them up but did try this before too: works pretty well and checks availability too.

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This is really great, really could save some time using this tool of yours :slight_smile: