How do you think of IG names?

Love it. I should try to do something similar :wink:

Almost all (if not all) are unavailable as usernames by Instagram. Just because it is not currently active doesn’t mean it is available. Most have already been taken down by IG. “page may have been removed”.

Knowem (or like services) can only tell you if they are currently in use. Not if they have been previously used, taken down, and banned.

Well, of course. They were posted on a public forum a few months ago. They are not going to remain available for long.

Plus, the idea was NOT to give specific names that are available, but rather to showcase that it is not hard to come up with a decent size list of names to test for availability.

Last, but not least, yes, the tool I used only checks for what is currently taken. However, if you need 1 name and you have a list of 20 that are “available”, chances are that at least 1 will be.

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One time I needed to make 10 slaves (eventually they got banned one by one because I didn’t know how to create them the right way) and I started to put names like “scoobydoo2k19” or “shaggyisweak” or “partypeople95london” and stuff like this. They are all gone for now, but it’s an idea :man_shrugging:t2:

Personally I have used fake name generator in the past. The usernames aren’t always great but some are and you can get them emailed to you in bulk.

I let my spintax do that for me.
And when i want to change it just search from the competitor name.

Lookup Bulk username generator and Bulk password generator on google and use them

use it’s amazing!