How is that growth even possible?

Good observation! I really didn’t think about that one lol.

The 100k one is now at 2.9m


That is from “High on Life”. they are youtube and IG travel bloggers and make their own amazing content. They grew large pages where they sell shoutouts and use their profiles to shout out other pages in exchange for the same. they have 500k ish on YT and they are a great group of people.

However, sadly, the people you see in this video are now dead. Alexey, Ryker and Mindy all dies a few weeks ago whilst filming content on a waterfall in their native Canada.

Seriously sad times.


Glad that someone else followed them as well. Was truly heartbroken to hear the news, so sad that those who live the most vibrant lives tend to pass too early.

I recommend everyone to take a look at their YouTube channel. Specifically this amazing video

Yeah, me too. They were genuine people who were instantly likeable. I reposted tons of their vids but always gave them the credit.

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I’ve noticed that most of those videos that show insane growth quickly have methods that don’t really apply to the average user


if a page goes from 0 to a mill in say a year,-- from what I seen and have been in – there are big pages behind them ( gain groups for a lack of a better word)… they often run nightly shares for each page – up to 6-9 shoutouts a night with promos for each one at posting — wrote about this in another thread so I won’t repeat here. They are 99% private settings – public does not work. Total followers for all accounts in the many millions. Gains – nightly -of 6k to the sky are gained. Do this nighly for weeks and months — you can grow pages huge in a very short time.


why doesn’t public work?

Hell if I know… nobody knows…yet it does.

let me give you a example. if I do caption tags on my accounts for my biggest account – i would get 200-400 a day growth at public – set to private – goes to 750+ a day average…thats why…


Its so interesting that apparently people are more interested to follow a page thats content they can’t see then a page that is public.


Yeah I’ve noticed that as well

is there a size at which a page should go private to maximize this effect?
Say 5000 or 10000 or 50k ?

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don’t know. I seen page at 50k min do it. Never followed up. My 100k plus pages are split, half public/private. I set them private to slow losses in followers so common in accounts today. My big accounts are private 300K plus, – they grow good in todays climate.


My main one is only 29k, ill leave it as it is. thank you

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Regarding your results from going to private during shoutouts:
Wouldn’t that mean the following?
Half of the people wouldn’t follow the account if they would have seen the pictures
-> not so interested in the content
-> meaning you would end up with these more followers who don’t really like your content and probably won’t engage that much

Or do you still have good engagement from the users you get from your shoutouts?

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that is not valid at any point…

  1. The shout - out itself is a selling tool, not the account it points to. if crappy shoutout, crappy results…nuff said.

it does not matter if they followed from shoutouts or follow/unfollw. Engagement is based on how good your content is. Nothing else…no EG groups/telegram groups – the phase of the lunar cycle or the Gods above. Engagement has been, is and will be ALWAYS based on how good is your content…NOTHING ELSE.


do you have access to level two yet?


Okay, was just thinking loud and trying to understand why going private makes shoutouts so much more effective…
Thanks a lot for sharing so much insights that you gained from growing your network Albert!

Jip, since a few months already :slight_smile:


im old school, don’t know latest sayings…is that a damn yes or no?

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