Also - a little hack with the ‘going private’ game is que up a bunch of followers in a 24hour period, or however long…then right before accepting everyone, make a post so they all see it first thing when they log onto IG. Fuels your engagement
I find this particularly hilarious because the account in the video is set to private, and so it cannot be analyzed on sites like igaudit. The first thing that I usually do when seeing a video like this is check real follower percentage on a few sites to see how legitimate it really is. For all we know, they used your method and then went private to avoid analysis.
Woman is a “special” type of account on IG. If you are not a gorgeous super model you should not post sexy woman pages as examples, they deserve a special category and they will always attract massive follows, likes and all, specially if they are gorgeous and post lots of bikini and body pictures, thats the greatest hack on IG of all time.
As some wise man on reddit once said:
The Cards are Stacked Against you
My argument against Instagram is centred around the fact that Instagram simply does not work in your favour. The young men reading this post (and the young man writing it) are not ripped business moguls or athletes. Yet it’s these men that are most likely to benefit from the instagram business model. Instagram works for sexually attractive women and the men who photograph them. It is a marketplace of attention and validation that 1) you won’t get and 2) you simply do not need. It does not help you to have photos of your gym progress on instagram.