How to get more likes on instagram?

Hi everyone, what’s your method of getting more like on instagram posts? Other than of course creating good content with good hashtags structure. The account is starting out and the likes numbers are so low,20 per posts. I’m with the idea of you need social proof to make ppl click that heart and thought about buying some likes but I don’t think it’s a good idea. I use automation but that doesn’t really help in increasing the likes numbers at all. I scrape, comment target by every method and nothing works. Any suggestions? What would you do if you handled such an account?

Have you checked any of these:

  1. [POW'S MEGA LIST] Increase engagement rate + my tips 📈

  2. [Increasing engagement] Let's discuss! Be creative!

  3. [LVL2 only]

They are posted last year, but still good tips. Read replies too and see what other users added.

How many followers you have?


The account is very old (2012) maybe with 17k followers was on and off for years but now there’s little to no likes about fashion/lifestyle