I have old adsense website so my website is not viral. I know that viral and news content good for FB. So FB is not good for me and it is hard to create FB accs and keep it alive today.
I think about Pinterest. I think it is good for non news website.
What about IG. I don’t know how to link the same domain to 100 accs. Or I don’t know how to bring traffic from IG to AdSense website.
My idea is to get traffic from different social networks. It is more safely then using only Pinterest. What if Pinterest will be like FB soon? It is too dangerous to put all in 1.
that is why you develop your brand across all platforms if you worry about your eggs only in one basket
Why do you think there’s no chance to get traffic from FB?
What’s your niche?
FB and instagram are best now a days, no matter what is your niche. Along with these, you can use BuzzBundle but it will costs you a lot… FB and Intstagram are free of cost and will give you best result.
On this forum there are too many topic, which can help you but you have to understand about facebook and Instagram. You can’t expect result in a single day.
By the way, this is marketing and as far as Consider it is harder than getting a day job.
But it is much easier for those, who learn it on daily basis.
My niche is fitness. 1) it is hard to create new accs today. I created 5 accs by emulator Noxplayer ( it can do multi devices), so I have different IMEI, device and so on. I used InstaProxies. I download profile photos from IG and change it by Ant Renamer and ImBatch ( maybe I did something wrong). I register accs by mail.ru and by FBlite. I checked my log it said that I m from proxy location (USA, Nevada). I filled my bio that Im from Nevada and so on. I download few profile photos. Join to dating groups, get few friends (arab, african and so on). 2 accs was locked, one from them asked for tel verification. Other still alive. Im not sure that other accs will be alive.
2) it is hard to find good fitness groups. 99% all of it allowed only pics and videos not sharing links. I only check public groups. I dont believe that it good to use closed groups.
3) FB traffic good ONLY for news viral website. For new, fresh, viral content. My fitness website is old.
I had some traffic from Twitter by using FollowLiker. But twitter also ban me. Yesterday I lost 40 accs, some of them were with 8-9K followers.
4) I dont get how IG can bring traffic to adsense website. I think IG only for Ogads and simular crap (with fake offers).
You should start growing a Facebook page related to your website niche. That’s the best way to get traffic to websites with FB.
Also you should consider to add some related products to your site and start dropshipping with IG…
I have fanpage 1400 likes.I dont know how to promote the same domain in 100 IG accs. Especially if it is adsense website.
Can you explain a little bit more, I purchased buzzbundle, and have it there collecting dust, never saw how can be practical for facebook, specially now that facebook promps out the post interactions as chat windows
.[quote=“landalas, post:8, topic:20816”]
Can you explain a little bit more, I purchased buzzbundle, and have it there collecting dust
Using buzz bundles, means you are finding that forum(it may be yahoo,twitter,facebook or anyother) where peoples are talking about your article. And when you share your article with them at that point where they are replying…maximum chances are they will definitely visit your website. And because you are sharing specific niche links, chances are not be banned by forum admin. With this, you are also building backlinks to website which is good for seo. You can use SenukeTNG, But I had never tried it yet.
But if you do it manually, result will be better.
Don’t understand what you want to say here. Kindly explain little.
If they allowed only photos and video…you can use clickable photos. But make sure you are posting in targeted niche that can give you better result. In my opinion, you should use clickable gif. Gif will work perfect and chances are only 10% of ban and this is also when group admin has little intelligence. But, If admin is not allowing of sharing link, chances are he has not too much knowledge of these things.
Now facebook has this system where you, lets say post to 50 groups and 2 pages, when the post start to get interaction a chat window is prompted, but when you open it instead of beying a chat, is your post and you can comment on it, also reply and like comments, so esentially you keep your communitys interacting with you all the time
By the way, it’s the great idea. It’s essential