How to schedule pins with Jarvee and what's your best scheduler?

Hi guys, it’s my first post on mpsocial!

I run 11 accounts on Pinterest using Tailwind but I would like to test Jarvee and scale up my things.

So, how to schedule with jarvee? I mean, should I use the “clickable image post” feature?
and most important: what to put in source URL?

also, what’s your favourite pinterest pins scheduler? :slight_smile:

Have you checked this article on Jarvee’s KB? Maybe that helps?


Hi @sololeveling

No need to use clickable images option. Use normal post, add image and add your URL into Pinterest Source URL field. See screenshot below:


I think the problem is that I haven’t already plugged any profile, because my “layout” is different

but thank you for the reply! :wink:

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Add an image, and you will see the source URL field.



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You’re welcome!

Now you need to add your Pinterest account in Social Profiles tab, then create a destination list in Destination Lists tab. After that go back to Campaign Where to publish tab, and select your destination list.


11 accounts on Tailwind? Nice
Do you pay for the Smart Loop and Tribes add-ons for all account?
How much does it cost you to run 11 accounts on Tailwind?

15$ x account.

I don’t use the annual plan because of the possibility to get banned, otherwise, it would cost less.

Regards the smart loop feature: I’ve used it in the past but I don’t feel safe to use it now, I’m not the saltuary blogger who pins 100 times x month, I feel like I don’t need it…

If I see a pin that performed well I try to repurpose it a bit and pin it again as a brand new one.

Tribes aren’t working well in my country, too small, not so many tribes to join, the biggest one is mine and is filled of my profiles.

But I think I’ll switch soon.

I need a fast bulk scheduler with CSV and Tailwind don’t have this feature, also it costs too much.


Great plan, how many accounts do you do next time?

I don’t know, seems like organic traffic is dropping a lot but I could be biased, though I work in 3 different geos. For now I just want to maintain this number of profiles and see if I can make it works better while saving some money.

How many pins you plan to post in bulk every day? I mean for one account.