Facebook posting is 100% all about links and nothing else. Facebook is SOOOOOO picky with links, if it even sniffs/suspects CPA or a spam link it will instantly lock your account. I’ve never even encountered issues with proxies/etc, it’s always always LINK issues. I’ve had aged, real solid accounts with tons of followers, groups etc get killed from ONE post with a link I forgot to cloak.
Secondly, you can’t just go posting links on groups, you need to warm up. Make your profile pic UNIQUE, make sure it passes google image check “no other images out there” , setup profile perfectly, post some random statuses, DONT ADD FRIENDS, I dont care what anyone says, dont add anyone, get people to add you. All of my accounts have thousands of friends and I never added 1 person. Hell I wouldn’t even join a group for a day or two. Usually I join some random chat group, post a comment or something, wait till I get some friends, setup facebook actions to like/poke etc. Even then I only join 1/2 groups I want, I make sure I get into them, post something that gets views/likes/comments. You have to look like a real user not a bot.
So what should I do now? Its really useless then when I cant post links? And I thought aged accounts are really “safe.” and I used a private proxy extra for this…
If its a new account OK, but 6 years?? My main account is 8 years old…
Aged account bullshit is a sales tactic honestly, I’m so sick of hearing about aged accounts. Aged accounts are useless, they sit dormant for the months, that isn’t aging. Aging an account is using it continuously day in and day out. Buying aged accounts is a waste of money. I’m using fresh instagams/fresh facebooks, no problem. I aged my facebook myself for 1/2 weeks and I can post links all day long. Read my post above, you need to act like a human not a bot.
Okay. What should I do now?
Uploading a picture? --> I heard that someone uploaded a landscape picture and he get unblocked.
Then I heard you just logout and in some days you can login again…
Can I use the same proxy with another account? Dont want to buy a proxy again when I am not sure that it works.
Well it depends, confirm identity could be mobile verification, if its I.D I usually just toss the account. Personally I re use IPs but people say you shouldn’t.
I didnt use VPN. I just started massplaner, setting up my proxy details and then the account --> Checked my IP if I am correct connected. Everything was ok.
Then I joined 1 group, tried to post google.at link and get banned.
I dont understand… with my main account it worked perfect. I just get informed that facebook saw irregular activity on my facebook account and I should take a look if I posted the things in the group. Then I can use my account like before…
–> But this I tried without massplaner and proxy (main account!)
Just want to say, that I used now another aged account. now with no proxy settings… BUT before I post a link, I just post in some groups normal text like hello and give someother likes… after 30 minutes I tried my first link with google.at and see there it works…
how can I understand this for my next accounts?
Why do you start with posting to groups immediately? Account is aged, but it haven’t done any actions in a while, then it suddenly logs in and start interacting with groups?
Here’s how it should be done:
Add account
Make sure you fill everything the real user would: home city, current city, relationship status, nice profile and cover pic etc
Get couple of friends - fake profiles, doesn’t matter, just so you have them there.
Turn on account actions module, set it to Accept Friends 5-10 per day and Auto Like. Auto like will like posts from your newsfeed, just like real users would do, right? Add night mode 5-6 hours when your account won’t execute any actions.
Turn on Comment&Like tool, set it to like posts and Also Like source page when visiting them. Set source Comment/Like posts from Facebook searches, add some links there that MP will use to like posts.
Let it all run like this for 2-3 days, then start joining groups. Just couple of them per day maybe 5-6 with huge delay. In 7-8 days, increase to 15-20 groups per day.
Create campaign that will post on your wall, simple text statuses, just find bunch of quotes and add them as posts and some pics too, just like real users do,
Start posting, don’t post like maniac, publish one post to groups every hour or so, use spyntax in your posts.
Do not turn off any of the tools I mentioned above. Actions have to be mixed or you can say good bye to your account.
You Must be dreaming honey if you spam link in groups. just post in your profile and poeple will click on it but yet this become too complicated as just posting with new profile is being considered spam