I Need Help with JARVEE

Hello to all !

I’m new here my name is Ivan i found some helpfun tips / tricks thanks to all , i wana to ask for help for jarvee …
When i start program is okey… after let’s say 2-3 minutes the jarvee program start to lag and block the PC… i must to shutdown and can’t work …

Best Regards .

Are you sure that’s not a gameboy you are using?


what is your server/VPS specs?

how many accounts are you running,?

I think you might need at least 1 GB of a RAM, and i don’t think it’s expensive…

I’ve been able to use 20 accounts really good on a 2 GB RAM computer. 150 bucks.


Are you running this locally or on a VPS?

I use locally not VPS , i have 8GB ram, 64bit , processor i7 . I have 5 accounts .

Locally not VPS.

I not use VPS , i use locally .
I only have 3 accounts .

It’s definetly not hardware issues. I am running locally as well on a laptop with half of the performances you’ve mentioned and I run 30 accounts without any issue. You might want to check if your HD/SSD is full, and wait and see if the other guys have any other ideas

I realy don’t know … realy look - > http://prntscr.com/p0vwda i have more space …

I see , can’t resolve the problem , but is still have any program similar to JARVEE ? .

whos the big jarvee pinterest automator here? i have some question

brother I advise you to make a special thread to look for an expert on internet automation

Yeah… Your harddrive space is not what you need to look at…


I advise you to use a VPS if you want to take this seriously.

Yeah you need to upgrade your pc