IG AUDIT for FAKE followers

Hi Community,

If you are looking for a quick way to identify the quality of an account you can try this tool:


Of course, it’s not 100% accurate as it analyzes only a % of the followers, but I tested several accounts and it’s very good.

Also, I like to run the same account a few times in order to average the results.

Enjoy! :slight_smile:


I searched the tool’s name and no results found.

Thanks mate, but it’s not so important if it is somewhere here or not. If somebody needs it is here again.


You’re right, I’m removing my speech :slight_smile: Forgive me

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Very weird, I just opened for you…look!


I can choose to continue, but as you can see it is not recommended. :man_shrugging:

Pretty cool! Thank You! :pray:t2:

Thank you really needed :slight_smile:

Thanks bro ! I also recommend http://hypeauditor.com/


yeah I use it as well, thanks!


a little bit expensive… but i like it too

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So what % of real followers did the tool from first post show you?

I can also recommend hypeauditor, I’ve been using this tool in the past for couple of my clients looking for influencers to work with. But their price is pretty high, 30$ per one account.

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Hype Auditor can get pricey but I find it way more useful than IGAudit because it’s more comprehensive. Plus, I get weekly updates on my personal influencer account. Their weekly report follows your trends and updates it. It’s free for one account per email.

I use this tool and from my experience (clientes accounts) if the profile has > 70% real followers in the IGAudit result it means that the profile probably does not bought fake followers.

just my 2 cents, hope it helps

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Analyze any Instagram account for fake followers and engagements

Using the most advanced AI-based fraud-detection system

You can also sign up for free if he didn’t mention it and we receive 3 free reports each no affiliate commission just free reports… Great source to post @jimiiz


I wonder if tools/services likes this will work and be able to get any data once IG restrict to read a user’s profile info and media in early 2020

The more I’ve used IG audit, the more I realize it’s very inaccurate. I think it told me one time that half of Drake’s followers were fake.

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Always use IG Audit for quick checks :+1: