IG notification // Jarvee action blocks // proxy problem?

Many of my clients have been receiving an IG notification about removing inauthentic likes and sharing the username and password with 3rd party apps
I am a social media manager for up and coming actors.
I have been using Jarvee for only IG follow/unfollow (and to view stories)
I have a separate dc proxy for each IG profile
I buy the dc proxies from buypersonaproxy and the proxies have been working fine for several months.
I use very conservative settings - under 30 follows per hour for 12-14 hours per day
It has been working great until a few days ago and almost all of my accounts have been receiving follow action blocks and the clients have been receiving the above described IG notification.
Does this sound like the proxies have been flagged and I need to change them?
Jarvee support says I need to buy high quality proxies, but they cannot recommend a provider.
I am not sure if this is a proxy issue or a Jarvee issue.
Thanks for any advice on these issues and about the purchase of high quality proxies!

Try with mobile proxies.
Many peoples are experiencing the same from past few days.


Yup also experienced this, it is indeed a proxy issue!


A lot of other accounts are getting that IG notification too. Even accounts that have not botted or anything before have gotten that message.

Have you tried using residential or mobile proxies on your account instead of data center?

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I also got this message, however I am not using proxies, but simply my home connection. So I guess it’s not a proxy issue. What do you guys think?

Nothing is eternal. Especially DC proxy.

If u r sure your clients don’t use any kind of 3-rd party apps. It could be the reason.

They will not, of course, cuz there would be a conflict of interest :wink:
By default, u just need good mobile or residential proxy. Unfortunately, DC proxy slowly dying


No I haven’t. Can you recommend a provider?

Can you recommend a provider for mobile proxies? Thanks!

Read through the forum just a little bit and you’ll find @HenryCooper and @Verona are your men :wink:


Have you tried the semi-residential proxies from buypersonalproxy? I could never figure out ifnhey we’re legit.

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I only purchased the dc proxies from buypersonalproxy and after several months and very conservative settings, almost all of them are receiving follow action blocks on Jarvee.

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That is happening since 2-3 weeks, datacentre almost don’t work at all anymore, you have to switch. That they worked for several months sadly doesn’t mean they’ll work forever…

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I have purchased mobile proxies from Henry Cooper.
Do you know where the proxies are located? Asia?
Do you if that is a problem is the proxies are not located in the same country? ( I am in California)
I want to use them with Jarvee and just wondering if that is a red flag if my client is logged into his IG account at the same time.

Already gave you my answer to your pm, let’s see what the others say :smiley:

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Yes, just read it - thank you!

Hello, no problem all you have to do is use them with head and previous warm up !!

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Thank you. I appreciate the input!
What do you mean “head”?
Also after installing the mobile proxies, what would be a very conservative warm-up?
And then eventually a conservative maximum follow setting?
I do not want to push the envelope, I just want to avoid all future action blocks.
I am basically only using Jarvee for F/U and I purchased these higher quality proxies to do so.

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Everything depends on the type of proxies and the age of the account.


Mobile proxies and all of the accounts are over one year.
I just want to stay conservative though - thanks!

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go with under 50 on first 1-3 days to be safe, then go up by 25-50 each day!

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