Instagram Ads | Account Trust Scores & Reach

I have to say, I was skeptical of this, but it seems undeniable at this point.

My thoughts exactly!


Damn, that is obvious. I had the same experience but at a much smaller level so I was still sceptical but going down from 25k to 7k is huge but tbh, not that unlikely because they truly want your money and none of the big influencers are running ads.


How long does everyone think this lowered reach lasts? or is it a permanent thing once you have done one ad.


I voted also.

I canā€™t understand their logic in IG!!! It would be so easy for IG to double their revenues just by giving their paying clients only a small percentage of higher reach!

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I think that you summed it up nicely. The question is; is the improved trust worth the drop in reach? There have been some shocking accounts of lowered reach in the responses, i.e.

I find this absolutely unbelievable for example. But what else can we expect from Facebook?


True. It is really greedy on their sides. I once did a post on this exact thing detailing my experiences and thoughts which you can probably find when you use the search function but basically I said this:

IG ads only really make sense in my opinion if you are a brand selling products or services. In that case, you are often not boosting existing posts (I suspect using ads on existing posts has a bigger impact on lowering engagement) but creating new ā€œhiddenā€ posts specifically for ads, and also you are directly selling something meaning the ads are used to make you money not grow an account or something.

There is a reason you never see big influencers running ads. They use different methods to grow. Same with YouTube. You never see big YouTubers using adwords which would be way too expensive as well. They have different methods to grow viral.


I really donā€™t think improved trust score by using ads is worth lowering your reach. The problem is that if using ads increased your trust code it means your engagement should also increase but if the reach goes down it just doesnā€™t make sense.

According to facebook team even disapproved ads reduce your trust score and you need to keep advertising to build the trust back up. They will never tell you that running ads affects your organic engagement but the fact is here it does affect!


I agree, it is simply not worth it to grow an account or build trust score.


Itā€™s pretty much never necessary to use them in that case. With a good hashtag strategy and excellent content thereā€™s no need for advertising. List products in photos and create an Instagram shop, etc. I feel like web click call to actions are outdated.

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For things such as a new music release for artists, they can be really helpful, but yeah I agree with what you said mainly.

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This is what blows my mind as well. They actually asked me to participate in an Ad survey on my feed today. Iā€™ll be sharing it soon. I thought that their questions were quite entertaining in a ridiculous way. Itā€™s like theyā€™re clueless.

Thatā€™s why I write it here. Maybe they are reading, hehe.

Guys of IG. If you want to make some more money for your boss, you know what to do.

I ll be happy to see the survey @embraceone


Please share? Would love to have a read!

I generally agree with you, unless you have thousands to spend on each ad. Iā€™ve spoken to really large marketing firm employees about Instagram ads and they all have noted that running an add for a longer period of time has huge benefits as the post is consistently shown. This allows for bigger budgets on individual posts, and allows one to post less overall.


You can read it here:

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From my experience running ads has had no effect to engagement rates across hundreds of different IG accounts spending large amounts of moneyā€¦

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Do you personally use them?

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I have access to all clients metrics and track their data. ER hasnā€™t been affected on a single profile by running ads. Although the ads I run are always displayed on both FB & IG and never just on IG which may have an effect if that is different to what you guys have done.


Ok thanks for that. My main page is linked to a FB account so might give it a go with advertising on both.

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Thanks for the valuable information. What were the general circumstances which led to the block?

Absolutely, although I have to say, Instagramā€™s story music feature is a winner. If only there were a way to auto-post stories with music. Iā€™d make millions on streaming royalties.

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Very interesting indeed. How long ago was this? How many ads had you run, what total budget etc? If you donā€™t mind sharing of course.