Instagram Appeal System Update - July 2020 πŸ”§

How much time passed until you succeeded to restore your account (since applying the image)?

hey did u get it back

You should really send in appeals daily, or at least start a new appeal process after you got the response from the old one (to avoid possible locks).

How long did it take after you sent in the selife until they gave you your account back?

That highly depends on the account.
Factors such as

  • ban reason
  • time since the ban
  • follower count
  • account history
  • luck

are all involved.
Anywhere from a few hours to literally years/never is possible :slight_smile:

Ban Reason = Violated terms of service (sending too many Dm’s)
Time Since Ban = 2 days
Follower count = 20k
Account History = 4 years old and only received a 7 day temp ban once. Otherwise no issues

Also its a business account and I provided my IRS documentation as proof when filling out the appeal form

Give it some time. It can take up to two weeks to get a proper response.

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Should I keep appealing the ban once per day?

That depends, but give it at least 24h time before opening a new unban request circle.

Depends on what? I’m trying to figure out the best course of action

For starters go with every 48h and see how it goes. You probably cannot do anything wrong with that :slight_smile:

I haven’t gotten a reply yet. Any suggestions?

After 2 appeals I got an email from facebook that my IG account is reactivated, but when I try to log in it still says that my account is disabled and I can appeal. Someone had this problem? How did you resolve it? :thinking:


It might have been banned automatically again. Next time try to be on your toes and delete all your posts once it is unbanned - assuming that was the reason.

How long did it take from the time you sent the appeal to the time they gave you your account back

Cca. 2 weeks.

I appealed again. Waiting for an answer and hopefully final fix!

Anyone been able to bypass the covid error while appealing? i get this all the time & havent heard of anyone who has been able to get recovered from this unless u got the confirm its you

quick question.

Is better try to appeal once or multiple times via appeal form to unban Instagram account ?
//From your experience , guys//

You guys getting this?

Your Request Couldn’t be Processed

There was a problem with this request. We’re working on getting it fixed as soon as we can.

The backend is currently quite unstable. Give it some time.