I have a friend who works at Snapchat who use to work at Instagram/Facebook and he confirmed from his friends that currently work there that they are cracking down hard on bots and they are finding these primarily by the behaviors and detecting if they are coming from mobile devices and if you can provide a sms text code then that pretty much says your not using a bot but what he told me was the main reason they are doing this is because they don’t want trump to win the election and they believe that he won because of the memes and videos that people seen on Facebook/Instagram that supposedly gave trump the win and the majority of these came from pages run by automation such as jarvee, followliker, etc, he also told me other things they are doing but this was like 99.9% of the reason of the sudden crackdown and it is not just affecting political pages but literally niche
10000%. I’ve had multiple conversations about this.
The elections could be a reason for why IG is punishing bots so hard now
They want to have an authentic platform and not get in the focus of the government for possibly skewing people’s mind based on spammy bots
hahah crazy, maybe I should start some memes in my country about our candidates, and whoever offers more get’s pushed by them
America is a great country. the reason donald trump has been elected is because the electoral system is crap. More citizens voted for hilary than trump.
But they decide to pressure mark suckerberg and crack down on bot.
What an amazing country.
ugh, please don’t let this thread become a political opinion discussion.
This would have sounded like a conspiracy theory five years ago…
Thanks for the insight. I wonder if things will calm down after the election is over.
And I was happy the orange man wouldn’t affect me here in Europe… How wrong was I.
Are you just practicing your tagging abilities?
I have one political account and surprisingly I’ve had absolutely no issues with it.
So don’t use Russian numbers for online phone verification services?
perfect timing xD
My russian subnets are going super strong haha…
You’re a linguistic genius.
On a side note, I’m no Trump fan.
But all this BS lately + FB’s censorship of free speech + the creation of their own currency, makes me want Trump to win in a massive landslide.
Good to know
I think that it is the reason number one, but there is also a reason number two.
The reason number two is LIBRA coming