Instagram disabled at 190k

Just keep applying, it will happen sooner or later :smiley:

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Best of luck with getting it back, and let it be a lesson, anything that has something to do with nudity in whichever form can get you in trouble… I do really think you’ll get it back, you just need to talk with a person instead of an AI.

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hi henry, I had the same problem too.

they banned the profile of one of my clients.

I do not know how to do it is desperate :frowning:

(I’m not at level 2 and I can not read more information)

can you help me please to solve the ban?

Is there an unlocking procedure?

I’m willing to pay you :slight_smile:

the account is @reinefede

Thanks in advance

Since you mentioned me, I will send you a link. Check your PM.


Thank you @HenryCooper :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

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Were you able to get this solved? I’ve gotten about 20 accounts back with this same issue… just let me know :slight_smile:

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I have not retrieved yet, am patiently waiting. :crossed_fingers:t3:
Open to options :slight_smile:

please help me I’m in a panic!

since yesterday I can no longer login with my account on the instagram app.

only enter the browser!

there is some recovery with which I can enter the app

the account has not been banned.

thank you so much

Don’t worry that’s pretty normal we all go through that at some point of trying :confused: keep calm:) I’m in same position :frowning:

totally sucks! I hope you get it back soon!


I need an help too if someone can help me :slight_smile:

Can you help me to restore my account on Instagram?

there’s no need to reply to a 3-year-old thread… Just use the search button and read up on your options or get in touch with

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